My Many Favorite Things

  1. Feel-good songs
    your answers here
  2. Seasons
    Your answers here
  3. Meals
    Your answers here
  4. Mobile Apps
    Your answers here
  5. Magazines
    Your answers here
  6. School subjects
    Your answers here
  7. Sports
    Your answers here
  8. Vacation spots
    Your answers here
  9. Comfort foods
    Your answers here
  10. Trees
    Your answers here
  11. Parks
    Your answers here
  12. Accomplishments
    Your answers here
  13. Articles of clothing
    your answers here
  14. TV shows
    Your answers here
  15. People
    Your answers here
  16. Healthy foods
    Your answers here
  17. Times of day
    Your answers here
  18. Morning Activities
    Your answers here
  19. Teachers
    Your answers here
  20. hobbies
    Your answers here
  21. Sports teams
    Your answers here
  22. Rooms where I live
    Your answers here
  23. Comedians/jokes
    Your answers here
  24. Flowers
    Your answers here
  25. Cars/transportations
    Your answers here
  26. Gratitudes
    Your answers here
  27. Fashion designers
    Your answers here
  28. Radio shows
    Your answers here
  29. Musical artists
    Your answers here
  30. Colors
    Your answers here
  31. Snack foods
    Your answers here
  32. Feel-good books
    Your answers here
  33. Family members
    Your answers here
  34. Extreme sports
    Your answers here
  35. Safe, relaxing places
    Your answers here
  36. Historical figures
    Your answers here
  37. Contemplative practices
    Your answers here
  38. Scenic places
    Your answers here
  39. Albums
    Your answers here
  40. Smells/scents
    Your answers here
  41. Purses/wallets
    Your answers here
  42. Celebrities
    Your answers here
Card Set
My Many Favorite Things
Acceptance and committment therapy