Unit 5-2

  1. Provide an example of a justified false belief.
    • -When you are justified in believing something you are epistemically blameless. (when you have a good reason or use a reliable method. - - You do everything you can do to make sure that your belief was true)
    • Example: Child's belief in Santa Claus (when you were a child, you believed that Santa Claus was real due to all your parent's efforts. Wrapping Santas gifts with different wrapping paper, leaving cookies out for him
  2. What is the tripartite definition of knowledge?
    • States that A knows that p if and only if
    • 1. p is true
    • 2. A believes that p
    • 3. A is justified in believing that p.  
    • - "p" stands for "proposition"
    • Example: Ed knows that "today Tuesday"
  3. What does it mean to be justified in believing something?
  4. Give an example of a Gettier case.
    • Gettier case is a 3-page paper published by Edmud Gettier in which he offered a # of counterexamples to the tripartite analysis of knowledge. (reveals that the counterexamples are insufficient) 
    • Example: Stopped Clock Case
    • -A clock in the house that is very reliable one morning happens to stop working when you wake up due to a power outage. When you look at the stopped clock it just so happens to say 10:45 because it stopped at 10:45 pm the night before. You have a true belief that it is 10:45 because at the moment you looked at the clock that was the time and you verified it with your iPhone.
  5. How do Gettier cases challenge the tripartite definition of knowledge?
    • The Gettier cases challenge the tripartite definition of knowledge because the cases reveal that the definition of knowledge is not sufficient.
    • - Someone can meet the conditions of the tripartite definition of knowledge and still not know. 
    • - The Gettier cases come up with a case where someone meets all 3 of the conditions but still doesn't know. 
    • A knows that p if and only if
    • 1. p is true
    • 2. A believes that p
    • 3. A is justified in believing that p.
    • 4. There are no defeaters that undermine A’s justification for believing that p.
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Unit 5-2
unit 5