Mandates of CCIR
- Legislation axis
- Draft legislation
- Promote consistency of insurance regulation among provinces
- improve efficiency of canadian insurance regulation
- Review legislations or Study proposed legislation
- Practices axis
- Encourages uniform practices in industry (testing materials for licensing of agents)
- Provide education
- Consumer Protection
- Promote transparency to the public
Acquisition expenses
commissions, premium taxes, allocated operating expenses
Contingent commission
Commission not exclusively attributable to premium volume and thus is not nondeferrable
Deferred commission
- commission expense on direct and assumed premiums for coverage period beyond current YE and
- not reduced by unearned (reinsurance) commissions
Unearned commission
- commission revenue on ceded premiums for coverage period beyond current YE, and
- not reduced by deferred commissions on direct and assumed business
Premium deficiency
Situation where unearned premiums are insufficient to cover expected policy liabilities, including servicing expenses
SIR (treatment + 2 req'ts)
If insurer pays the entire claim, SIR amount under other liabilities as an 'other recoverable' - Regulators may request collateral to insure collectibility
- Need reasonable IBNR
Structured settlement type 1 - Characteristics
- Insurer owns annuity with payments irrevocably to claimant
- No current or future benefits to insurer
- Insurer is released by claimant, but still liable if required payments not made
Structured settlement type 1 - Treatment
- can't reognize liability or annuity as asset
- need to disclose credit risk
Structured settlement type 2 - Differences type 1
- Annuity is commutable, assignable, or transferable
- Claimant doesn't provide a legal release
Structured settlement type 2 - Treatment
Insurer must recognize - liability like claim liabilities
- annuity as asset
Adjusted equity
- Equity
- - Non-controlling interests
- - Capiral required for catastrophes
- - Capital required for unregistered reinsurance
Incurred claims for AY
- Paid claims for AY
- + Unpaid claims for AY
- - Investment Income on UCAE & IBNR for AY
Net investment income attributable to insurance operation / policy liabilites
- MIN{ Net investment income,
- avg net unpaid claims & AE (net of reins and S&S)
- + avg net unearned premiums (net of reins and S&S)
- + avg unearned commission
- + avg premium deficiency
- - avg DPAE
- - avg receivables
- (agents, brokers, p.h.'s and instalment premiums) }
- x investment yield
- note: apply investment yield to BS items that are currently on hand that are related to insurance operations (e.g. receivables from other insurers are irrelvant)
Net investment income - Other
- Total net investment income
- - net investment income from insurance
Net income/loss from insurance
- UW income/loss
- + net investment income from insurance
Investment yield
- 2 x NII (incl realized G/L) / (Vb + Ve - NII (incl realized G/L))
- V = cash
- + investment income due and accrued
- + total investments
Return on equity (ROE)
2 x net income after tax / (Eb + Ee)
Total investments (7)
- Short term investments
- + bonds and debentures
- + mortgage loans
- + preferred shares
- + common shares
- + investment properties
- + other loans and investment assets
Receivables (7)
- Unaffiliated agents and brokers
- + p.h.'s
- + instalment premiums
- + other insurers
- + FA and PRR
- + subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures
- + other recoverables
Recoverable from reinsurance
- Unearned premium recoverable from reinsurance
- + unpaid claims & AE recoverable from reinsurance
Total assets (11)
- Total investments
- + receivables
- + recoverable from reinsurance
- + other recoverable on unpaid claims
- + property and equity
- + DPAE
- + current and deferred tax assets
- + goodwill
- + intangible assets
- + DB pension (profit)
- + other assets
Total liabilities (12)
- Payables
- + expenses due
- + taxes due
- + p.h. dividends
- + unearned premiums (gross)
- + unpaid claims & AE
- + unearned commission
- + premium deficiency
- + self-insured retention portion of unpaid claims
- + DB pension (loss)
- + subordinated debt
- + preferred shares debt
Equity (6)
- Common and preferred shares
- + contributed surplus
- + retained earnings
- + reserves
- + AOCI
- + non-controlling interests
Net premiums earned
- Net premiums written (direct+assumed-ceded)
- - Change in net unearned premiums (end - begining)
Total UW revenue
- Net premiums earned
- + service charges
Total claims and expenses
- Net claims & AE
- + acquisition expenses
- + general expenses
UW income/loss
- UW revenue
- - claims and expenses
Net income/loss
- UW income
- + NII
- + other revenue and expenses
- - income taxes
Excess ratio
- (Change UCAE & IBNR
- - claims paid for subsequent years
- + investment income from UCAE & IBNR) / opening UCAE & IBNR
Net risk ratio
Net premiums written / adjusted equity
Net commission attributable to period
- think of this as opposite of net income
- = commission expense - commission income
- = net comission + change unearned commission - change deferred commission
Commission expense
- Direct commission
- + assumed commission
- - change deferred commission
Commission income
- Ceded commission
- - change unearned commission
Total net commission
- net commission attributable to period (commission expense - commission income)
- + net contingent commission
- + net other non-deferrable commission
Non deferrable commissions
Commissions not readily varying with acq of premiums and therefore are not recoverable.