- 1–3, The Lord lays His hand upon Edward Partridge by the hand of Sidney Rigdon;
- 4–8, Every man who receives the gospel and the priesthood is to be called to go forth and preach.
- 1–2, How men may become the sons of God;
- 3–7, Sidney Rigdon is called to baptize and to confer the Holy Ghost;
- 8–12, Signs and miracles are wrought by faith;
- 13–16, The Lord’s servants will thresh the nations by the power of the Spirit;
- 17–19, Joseph Smith holds the keys of the mysteries;
- 20–21, The elect will abide the day of the Lord’s coming;
- 22–27, Israel will be saved.
- 1–4, The faithful become the sons of God through the Atonement;
- 5–9, The preaching of the gospel prepares the way for the Second Coming;
- 10–12, Prophecy comes by the power of the Holy Ghost.
- 1–4, Laborers are called to declare the gospel in the eleventh hour;
- 5–6, The Church is established, and the elect are to be gathered;
- 7–10, Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand;
- 11–15, The Church is built upon the gospel rock;
- 16–18, Prepare for the coming of the Bridegroom.
- 1-3, Parley P. Pratt and Ziba Peterson are called to preach to the Lamanites and to accompany Oliver Cowdery and Peter Whitmer Jr.;
- 4–5, They are to pray for an understanding of the scriptures.
- 1–6, Thomas B. Marsh is called to preach the gospel and is assured of his family’s well-being;
- 7–13, He is counseled to be patient, pray always, and follow the Comforter.
1–4, The Saints are called to gather at the Ohio.
- 1–6, Christ created all things;
- 7–8, He is in the midst of His Saints, who will soon see Him;
- 9–12, All flesh is corrupted before Him;
- 13–22, He has reserved a land of promise for His Saints in time and in eternity;
- 23–27, The Saints are commanded to be one and esteem each other as brethren; 28–29, Wars are predicted;
- 30–33, The Saints are to be given power from on high and to go forth among all nations;
- 34–42, The Church is commanded to care for the poor and needy and to seek the riches of eternity.
- 1–4, The Saints have power to become the sons of God;
- 5–6, To receive the gospel is to receive Christ;
- 7–14, James Covel is commanded to be baptized and labor in the Lord’s vineyard;
- 15–21, The Lord’s servants are to preach the gospel before the Second Coming;
- 22–24, Those who receive the gospel will be gathered in time and in eternity.
1–3, Fear of persecution and cares of the world cause rejection of the gospel.
- 1–3, The elders will govern the Church by the spirit of revelation;
- 4–6, True disciples will receive and keep the Lord’s law;
- 7–12, Edward Partridge is named as a bishop unto the Church.
- 1–10, The elders are called to preach the gospel, baptize converts, and build up the Church;
- 11–12, They must be called and ordained and are to teach the principles of the gospel found in the scriptures;
- 13–17, They are to teach and prophesy by the power of the Spirit;
- 18–29, The Saints are commanded not to kill, steal, lie, lust, commit adultery, or speak evil against others;
- 30–39, Laws governing the consecration of properties are set forth;
- 40–42, Pride and idleness are condemned;
- 43–52, The sick are to be healed through administrations and by faith;
- 53–60, The scriptures govern the Church and are to be proclaimed to the world;
- 61–69, The site of the New Jerusalem and the mysteries of the kingdom will be revealed;
- 70–73, Consecrated properties are to be used to support Church officers;
- 74–93, Laws governing fornication, adultery, killing, stealing, and confession of sins are set forth.
- 1–7, Revelations and commandments come only through the one appointed;
- 8–14, The Saints are sanctified by acting in all holiness before the Lord;
- 15–22, Elders are sent forth to cry repentance and prepare men for the great day of the Lord;
- 23–28, The Lord calls upon men by His own voice and through the forces of nature;
- 29–35, The Millennium and the binding of Satan will come.
DC 44
- 1–3, Elders are to assemble in conference;
- 4–6, They are to organize according to the laws of the land and to care for the poor.
DC 45
Second Coming
- 1–5, Christ is our advocate with the Father;
- 6–10, The gospel is a messenger to prepare the way before the Lord;
- 11–15, Enoch and his brethren were received by the Lord unto Himself;
- 16–23, Christ revealed signs of His coming as given on the Mount of Olives;
- 24–38, The gospel will be restored, the times of the Gentiles will be fulfilled, and a desolating sickness will cover the land;
- 39–47, Signs, wonders, and the Resurrection are to attend the Second Coming;
- 48–53, Christ will stand on the Mount of Olives, and the Jews will see the wounds in His hands and feet;
- 54–59, The Lord will reign during the Millennium;
- 60–62, The Prophet is instructed to begin the translation of the New Testament, through which important information will be made known;
- 63–75, The Saints are commanded to gather and build the New Jerusalem, to which people from all nations will come.