3 Summaries Sections 31-45

  1. 36
    • 1–3, The Lord lays His hand upon Edward Partridge by the hand of Sidney Rigdon;
    • 4–8, Every man who receives the gospel and the priesthood is to be called to go forth and preach.
  2. 35
    • 1–2, How men may become the sons of God;
    • 3–7, Sidney Rigdon is called to baptize and to confer the Holy Ghost;
    • 8–12, Signs and miracles are wrought by faith;
    • 13–16, The Lord’s servants will thresh the nations by the power of the Spirit;
    • 17–19, Joseph Smith holds the keys of the mysteries;
    • 20–21, The elect will abide the day of the Lord’s coming;
    • 22–27, Israel will be saved.
  3. 34
    • 1–4, The faithful become the sons of God through the Atonement;
    • 5–9, The preaching of the gospel prepares the way for the Second Coming;
    • 10–12, Prophecy comes by the power of the Holy Ghost.
  4. 33
    • 1–4, Laborers are called to declare the gospel in the eleventh hour;
    • 5–6, The Church is established, and the elect are to be gathered;
    • 7–10, Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand;
    • 11–15, The Church is built upon the gospel rock;
    • 16–18, Prepare for the coming of the Bridegroom.
  5. 32
    • 1-3, Parley P. Pratt and Ziba Peterson are called to preach to the Lamanites and to accompany Oliver Cowdery and Peter Whitmer Jr.;
    • 4–5, They are to pray for an understanding of the scriptures.
  6. 31
    • 1–6, Thomas B. Marsh is called to preach the gospel and is assured of his family’s well-being;
    • 7–13, He is counseled to be patient, pray always, and follow the Comforter.
  7. 37
    1–4, The Saints are called to gather at the Ohio.
  8. 38
    • 1–6, Christ created all things;
    • 7–8, He is in the midst of His Saints, who will soon see Him;
    • 9–12, All flesh is corrupted before Him;
    • 13–22, He has reserved a land of promise for His Saints in time and in eternity;
    • 23–27, The Saints are commanded to be one and esteem each other as brethren; 28–29, Wars are predicted;
    • 30–33, The Saints are to be given power from on high and to go forth among all nations;
    • 34–42, The Church is commanded to care for the poor and needy and to seek the riches of eternity.
  9. 39
    • 1–4, The Saints have power to become the sons of God;
    • 5–6, To receive the gospel is to receive Christ;
    • 7–14, James Covel is commanded to be baptized and labor in the Lord’s vineyard;
    • 15–21, The Lord’s servants are to preach the gospel before the Second Coming;
    • 22–24, Those who receive the gospel will be gathered in time and in eternity.
  10. 40
    1–3, Fear of persecution and cares of the world cause rejection of the gospel.
  11. 41
    • 1–3, The elders will govern the Church by the spirit of revelation;
    • 4–6, True disciples will receive and keep the Lord’s law;
    • 7–12, Edward Partridge is named as a bishop unto the Church.
  12. 42
    • 1–10, The elders are called to preach the gospel, baptize converts, and build up the Church;
    • 11–12, They must be called and ordained and are to teach the principles of the gospel found in the scriptures;
    • 13–17, They are to teach and prophesy by the power of the Spirit;
    • 18–29, The Saints are commanded not to kill, steal, lie, lust, commit adultery, or speak evil against others;
    • 30–39, Laws governing the consecration of properties are set forth;
    • 40–42, Pride and idleness are condemned;
    • 43–52, The sick are to be healed through administrations and by faith;
    • 53–60, The scriptures govern the Church and are to be proclaimed to the world;
    • 61–69, The site of the New Jerusalem and the mysteries of the kingdom will be revealed;
    • 70–73, Consecrated properties are to be used to support Church officers;
    • 74–93, Laws governing fornication, adultery, killing, stealing, and confession of sins are set forth.
  13. 43
    • 1–7, Revelations and commandments come only through the one appointed;
    • 8–14, The Saints are sanctified by acting in all holiness before the Lord;
    • 15–22, Elders are sent forth to cry repentance and prepare men for the great day of the Lord;
    • 23–28, The Lord calls upon men by His own voice and through the forces of nature;
    • 29–35, The Millennium and the binding of Satan will come.
  14. DC 44
    • 1–3, Elders are to assemble in conference;
    • 4–6, They are to organize according to the laws of the land and to care for the poor.
  15. DC 45
    Second Coming

    • 1–5, Christ is our advocate with the Father;
    • 6–10, The gospel is a messenger to prepare the way before the Lord;
    • 11–15, Enoch and his brethren were received by the Lord unto Himself;
    • 16–23, Christ revealed signs of His coming as given on the Mount of Olives;
    • 24–38, The gospel will be restored, the times of the Gentiles will be fulfilled, and a desolating sickness will cover the land;
    • 39–47, Signs, wonders, and the Resurrection are to attend the Second Coming;
    • 48–53, Christ will stand on the Mount of Olives, and the Jews will see the wounds in His hands and feet;
    • 54–59, The Lord will reign during the Millennium;
    • 60–62, The Prophet is instructed to begin the translation of the New Testament, through which important information will be made known;
    • 63–75, The Saints are commanded to gather and build the New Jerusalem, to which people from all nations will come.
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3 Summaries Sections 31-45