
  1. Why do we classify organisms (3)?
    • Organization
    • Protection
    • Learning
  2. Name the 8 Classifications
    • 1. Domain
    • 2. Kingdom
    • 3. Phylum
    • 4. Class
    • 5. Order
    • 6. Family
    • 7. Genus (homo)
    • 8. Species (sapiens)
  3. What is prokaryotic?
    • Usually SINGLE cell
    • NO nucleus
    • NO membrane bound organelles
  4. What is eukaryotic?
    • Single or multicellular organisms?
    • HAVE a nucleus
    • Have membrane bound organelles
    • WAY more complex
  5. Are viruses alive?
  6. What are several atoms together called?
  7. Several molecules together is called a ...
  8. Tissue is a collection of ......
    cells doing basically the same thing and look alike
  9. Lots of tissues together is called an
  10. What is an individual organ system?
    Same species in a population
  11. What is a community of organ systems?
    Other and Multiple populations
  12. Lots of communities in a system is called ?
    An ecosystem (living or not)
  13. A biosphere is a group of _____ which life can exsist
  14. What property of water provides the cooling effect of sweating?
    High heat vaporization
  15. Suppose that an oxygen atom formed a chemical bond with another oxygen atom.
    What would the product of this reaction be called
  16. Monosaccharides, disaccharides, and polysaccharides are all
  17. Why are buffers important to humas?
    They stabalize the ph balance
  18. Enzymes are a type of protein, their function is to
    provide energy
  19. The simple unit in proteins is
    Amino acids
  20. Acid releases
    hydrogen ions when placed in water

    H+ can damage cell structures
  21. Bases absorb hydrogen ions and release H+
    hydroxide ions OH-
  22. pH 0-14 with 0 being the most ...

    • 0 - acidic
    • 14 - basic

    based on a log scale .... pH 6 is .000001 H+ or 1.0x10-6
  23. 3 macromolecules are
    • carbs
    • lipids and
    • proteins
  24. Phospholipids have
    2 fatty acid chains and phosophate (polar)

    • Hydrophobic tails (2)
    • Hydrophillic head

    Form a phospholipid bulayer (form sphere because tails fear water)
  25. DNA - ATGC
    • 4 bases
    • Adenine Thymine
    • Guanine Cystosine

    double stranded genetic material
  26. What is ATP
    Its cellular energy. Breaks bonds and releases energy
  27. Why are cells the smallest unit of life?
    Bcz of their surface area/volume ratio

    diffusion really slows process
  28. What is the function of the plasma membrane?
    • To regulate what gets in and out (bouncer of club) of cell
    • -Selectively Permeable
    • -Cell Communication "hey how you doin"
    • -Cell recognition "do you belong?"
  29. The _______ is surrounded by a double membrane with pores and contain genetic
  30. As the surface area of a cell increases the volume ___
    increases at a FASTER rate
  31. The three processes when taken together that are called cellular respiration are
    glycolysis, citric acid cycle, and the electron transport chain
  32. Exocytosis and endocytosis are accomplished by the _______.
    plasma membrane
  33. The process whereby small molecules pass through a membrane by
    moving from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration is
    called ___________.
  34. Whats found in a eukaryotic cell but not a prokaryotic cell?
    nuclear membrane
  35. Anaerobic respiration requires ___________.
  36. Simple diffusion is movement from ___ concentration to ____ concentration
    • HIGH concentration to LOW concentration
    • (internal) inherent energy
  37. Facilliated diffusion is protein needed to move from high to low concentration using a ....
    transport protein (no eneregy needed)
    Same concentration - same amount is
    isotonic solution
  39. HYPOTONIC Solution is
    less amount of stuff than H20
  40. HYPERTONIC solution
    more stuff 98/2 90/10
  41. Active Transport (opposite of diffusion)
    • Moves from LOW to HIGH (against the concentration gradient)
    • -requires energy
  42. Nucleus (NG)
  43. Ribosomes (PF)
    Protein Factory
  44. Rough ER
    makes/modifies proteins
  45. Smooth ER
    make/modifies LIPIDS

    (smooth - lips)
  46. Golgi
    • packages for movement
    • GO-MOVE
  47. Mitochondria
    • makes cellular energy
    • (MIT CELL)
  48. Lysome
    • breaks stuff down
    • (lysol breaks stuff)
  49. Cytoskeleton
    Cell Support/Movement
  50. Centioles
    Mictrotubles organizing center
  51. Cell Membrane
    Regulates in and out
Card Set
Biology 1-3