Stuff I should Know
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What are holding speeds and altitudes?
MHA - 6000. 200
6001 - 14000. 230
14001 and above 265
What are standard holding pattern leg length?
At or below 14,000. 1 min.
Above 14,000. 1.5 min
Required report entering a hold?
Time and alitude
DA vs DH on an approach plate?
DA is Desicion altitude in msl. The point you go missed with vertical navigation.
DH is referenced to threshold elevation.
DA is 1440. DH is 200. DA(H) 1440
ILS categories
Cat I. Not less than 200ft HAT and 1800 RVR
Cat II. Not less than 100ft HAT and 1200 RVR
Cat IIIA. No DH and min 700 RVR
Cat IIIB. No DH and min 150 RVR
Cat IIIC. No DH and no RVR min
What does LPV mean?
Localizer performance with vertical gidance.
What does MAA mean?
Maximum authorized altitude.
A published altitude representing the maximum usable altitude or flight level for airspace structure or root segment.
MDA or MDH(icao)
Minimum decent altitude on non precision approach or circling approach. Cannot descend below without the required visual reference.
MDA is msl. MDH is in reference to aerodrome elevation.
Minimum enroute altitude. The lowest published altitude between radio fixes that provides
*obstacle clearance requirements
*navigational signal coverage
*Two way communication
Minimum fuel
Little to no delay can be accepted. Not an emergency yet.
Minimum IFR altitudes
Mountainous: 2000ft above highest within 4NM
Non mountainous: 1000ft above highest within 4NM
Minimum obstruction clearance altitude.
Minimum altitude that provides obstacle clearance
22nm of vor reception
No guarantee of radar or radio
Shown below mea on chart.
Minimum off route altitude
Route MORA - obstacle clearance 10 miles either side.
Grid MORA - clears obstacles by 1k up to 5 k obstacles. Clears by 2 k for obstacles above 5k
Located inside late and long grid.
Minimum reception altitude.
Can receive signal from nav aid
Minimum sector altitude
Provides 1k clearance 25nm from nav aid
Does not garante navaid reception
Mountainous terrain definition
3000ft in 10nm
Minimum crossing altitude
lowest you can cross a fix.
Looks like flaged x
What indicates a fly over fix?
It is circled
What indicates ba compulsory reporting point?
It is filled in.
Only required to report when not in radar contact.
What are standard takeoff minimums?
1 sm 2 or less engines
1/2 sm 3 or more engines
What are Q routes?
Q−routes are available for use by RNAV
equipped aircraft between 18,000 feet MSL and
FL 450 inclusive. Q−routes are depicted on Enroute
High Altitude Charts.
What are The routes?
T−routes are available for use by GPS or
GPS/WAAS equipped aircraft from 1,200 feet above
the surface (or in some instances higher) up to but not
including 18,000 feet MSL. T−routes are depicted on
Enroute Low Altitude Charts.
When do you need an alternate?
1 hour before or after ETA
2000 ft and 3 sm
What is required or an alternate?
Precision 600 ft 2 sm
Non precision 800 ft 2 sm
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Stuff I should Know
Stuff i should know
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