Describe the leader development field? (CH 5)
Developing good leaders is the qualitative multiplier on any battlefield, the most dynamic element of combat power.
How does the Army impart professional knowledge? (CH 5)
Through training and education at both individual and unit levels.
What type of culture does mission command want to foster during training? (CH 5)
A culture of trust, mutual understanding, and a willingness to learn from mistakes.
Army training does more than develop technical expertise, it also encourages Army leaders to do what? (CH 5)
Exercise discretionary judgments without close supervision; this ability is critically important because of the lethality of what we do.
How do individuals develop certification in detail? (CH 5)
Through Army branches, proponents, and Army civilian career field programs.
What does certification measure? (CH 5)
Competence, character, and commitment.
What is professional competence? (CH 5)
The mastery of specific skills.
What does professional character do? (CH 5)
Ensures Army professionals use their expertise on behalf of the American people and only in accordance with the law.
What is professional commitment? (CH 5)
It shows each individual’s willingness to put the requirements of the Army and nation above their personal goals.
How is unit compliance with safety and personnel regulations measured? (CH 5)
Through inspections.
What are the two communities of practice the Army profession recognizes? (CH 5)
Profession of arms and Army civilian corps.
What must an individual do to become a professional? (CH 5)
Become certified.
How is the responsibility for each individual’s development and certification a mutually shared responsibility? (CH 5)
It is shared by the individual and the Army and is the responsibility of both.
What article of the Constitution requires that every member of the Army profession—military or civilian, officer or enlisted?
Article VI.
What does Article VI of the Constitution require every member of the Army profession—military or civilian, officer or enlisted to do?
“Shall be bound by oath or affirmation, to support this Constitution.”
What is an oath?
An individual moral commitment made publicly unlike civilians.
What does the oath bind Soldiers to?
An unlimited liability, acceptance of the risk of serious personal harm or death.
Is the constitutional oath legally binding?
How is the constitutional oath legally binding?
Makes Soldiers subject to the Uniform Code of Military Justice, Federal Laws applicable to the Armed Forces, and the Law of Land Warfare.
How is loss of discipline on the part of our Soldiers exploited by the enemy?
Through propaganda and magnified through the media.
Why may the enemy not respect international conventions and commit atrocities?
To provoke retaliation in kind from our Soldiers.
What must small-unit leaders do to prevent our Soldiers from retaliating in response to an enemy’s unethical acts?
They must maintain discipline and ensure that the conduct of Soldiers remains within ethical and moral boundaries.
What do customs, traditions, ceremonies and symbols give Soldiers?
A Sense of commitment, identify the cause we serve, and unite us to those who have gone before and sacrificed so much.