Contractual relationship whereby an employer provides remuneration to an employee for an exchange of work or services
Independent Contractor
Person who is in a working relationship that does not meet the criteria of employment
Vicarious Liability
Employer is liable when an employee commits a wrong while carrying out assigned duties or authorized tasks
Negligent Hiring
If the employer is careless in hiring there may be an action against the employer in negligence due to the actions of employee
The Hiring Process
Develop job description
Have candidates complete an application
Short list candidates
Check backgrounds or references
Interview selected applicants
Adverse Effects Discrimination
Discrimination that occurs as a result of a rule that appears neutral but in its affect is discriminatory
Systematic Discrimination
Discrimination that results from the combined affects of many rules practices and policies
Bona Fide Occupation Requirement
A defence that excuses discrimination on a prohibited ground when it is done in good faith and for a legitimate business reason.
Duty to Accommodate
The duty of an employer to modify rules practices and requirements to meet the needs of individuals who would otherwise be subject to unlawful discrimination
Fixed or Definite Term Contract
A contract for a specified period of time, which automatically ends on the expiry date.
Indefinite-Term Contract
A contract for no fixed period, which can end on giving reasonable notice.
Employment Standards Legislation
Laws that specify minimum standards in the workplace.
Employment standards legislation governs:
Hours of work & Overtime
Minimum wage
Vacations & vacation pay
Termination & severance
Statutory holidays
Maternity & parental leave
Labour Relations Board
Body that administers labour relations legislation.
Collective Bargaining
Mechanism by which parties enter a collective agreement or contract.
Collective Agreement
Employment agreement reached between the union and employer setting out the bargaining unit employees terms and conditions of employment.