
  1. Atorvastatin
    • Lipitor
    • Dose:10 – 80 mg po once daily
    • DI:fibrates, niacin, 3a4,
    • SE:dyspepsia, diarrhea, myopathy, rhabdomyloysis
  2. Simvastatin
    • Zocor
    • MOA: hmg coa inhibitor
    • Dose: 5 – 80 mg po
    • once daily
    • DI: Fibrates, niacin, 3a4
    • SE: dyspepsia, diarrhea, myopathy, rhabdomyloysis
  3. Lovastatin
    • Mevacor
    • MOA: HMG-COA inhibitor
    • dose: 10-80 mg po in 1-2 divided doses
    • DI: fibrates, niacin, 3a4
    • DE: dyspepesia, diarrhea, myopathy, rhabdomyaloysis
  4. Rosuvastatin
    • Crestor
    • MOA: HMG coa inhibitor
    • dose: 5-40 mg po qd
    • DI: fibrates, niacin, warfarin, macrolides
    • SE: dyspepesia, diarrhea, myopathy, rhabdomyaloysis
  5. Pravastatin
    • Pravachol
    • MOA: HMG coa reductase inhib
    • dose: 10-80 mg po qd
    • DI: fibrates, niacin, warfarin, macrolides
    • se: dyspepsia, diarrehea, myopathy, rhabdomyoylsis
  6. Ezeimibe
    • Zetia
    • MOA: cholesterol absorption inhibitor
    • dose: 10mg po qd
    • Di: bile acid resins (cholestyramine colestipol) fibrates
    • SE: GI upset, diarrhea, fatigue
  7. Ezetamibe/simvastatin
    • Vytorin
    • 10/10- 10-80
  8. Fenofibrate
    • Tricor
    • MOA:fibrate:activation of PPARY receptor that activate lipase and decrease apo protein c III leading to clearance of TF
    • DOSE:48-145 mg po qd
    • DIstatins, niacin, warfarin, rosiglitazone, glyburide
    • SE:dyspepsia, myopathy, gallstones, rash, elevated liver enzymes
  9. Gemfibrozil
    • Lopid
    • MOA: fibrate: activate PPARY receptor that activate lipase and dec apo-protein c III leading to clearance of tg
    • DOSE: 600 mg po bid
    • DI: statins, niacin, warfarin, rosiglitzone, glyburide
    • SE: dyspepsia, myopathy, gallstones, rash, elevaed liver enzymes
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