el/la cunado(a)
brother in law (sister in law)
el/la hermano(a)
brother (sister)
el/la hijo(a)
son (daughter)
el/la suergo(a)
father in law (mother in law)
la rondalla
group of serenaders
casarse con
to get married to
desertar de ejercito
to desert from the army
enamorarse de
to fall in love with
perder (ie) el tren
to miss the train
el carnaval
- 1. carnival (fiesta)
- 2. Shrovetide (religion)
- CARNAVAL The tradition of carnaval, or carnavales continues in many parts of Spain and Latin America. The festival usually lasts between three days and a week, just before the beginning of Lent. The best known carnivals in Spain are those of Cádiz and Santa Cruz de Tenerife, and in Mexico that of Veracruz.
el/la desertor(a)
Deserter, forsaker, fugitive, the person that has forsaken his cause, post etc
el/la esposo(a)
husband (wife)
el suicidio
- to commit suicide -> suicidarse
- suicide mission -> misión (f) suicida
- suicide note -> = nota que deja un suicida
el/la agnóstico(a)
combative; striving to overcome in argument.
straining for effect: agonistic humor.