Literary Terms

  1. legend
  2. allusion
  3. chronological order
  4. epilogue
  5. folk tale
  6. historical fiction
  7. conflict
  8. flashback
  9. diction
  10. fable
  11. motivation
  12. antagonist
  13. situational irony
  14. fiction
  15. author
  16. personification
  17. biography
  18. verbal irony
  19. climax
  20. imagery
    Language that appeals to the senses.
  21. description
    Writing intended to re-create a person, place, a thing, an event, or an experience.
  22. nonfiction
    Prose writing that deals with real people, things, events, and places.
  23. analogy
    A comparison made between two things to show how they are alike.
  24. character
    A person or an animal in a story, play or other literary work.
  25. myth
    A story that explains something about the world and typically involves gods and other supernatural forces.
  26. objective writing
    Writing that presents facts without revealing the writer's feelings and opinions.
  27. anecdote
    A brief story told to illustrate a point.
  28. autobiography
    A person's account of his or her own life or of part of it.
  29. exposition
    The kind of writing that explains or gives information.
  30. persuasion
    A kind of writing intended to convince a reader to think or act in a certain way.
  31. narration
    The kind of writing that tells a story.
  32. literary devices
    The devices a writer uses to develop style and convey meaning.
  33. atmosphere
    The overall mood or feeling of a work of literature.
  34. dialect
    A way of speaking that is characteristic of a certain geographical area or a certain group of people.
  35. point of view
    The vantage point from which a story is told.
  36. characterization
    The way a writer reveals the personality of a character.
  37. idiom
    An expression peculiar to a particular language that means something different from the literal meaning of the words.
  38. essay
    A short piece of nonfiction prose that examines a single subject.
  39. dialogue
    Conversation between two or more characters.
  40. exaggeration
    Overstating something, usually for the purpose of creating a comic effect.
  41. plot
    The series of related events that make up a story.
  42. foreshadowing
    The use of clues or hints to suggest events that will occur later in the plot
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Literary Terms
literary terms for VA English 8 SOL's