yoga iFlashcards.txt

  1. Ayurveda
    the knowledge of life
  2. Prana
    life energy coursing through the body
  3. Svastha
    perfect health / established in the self
  4. Doshas
    3 biological energies used in Ayurveda to determine constitution and imbalance
  5. Ama
  6. Prajnaparadha
    intellectual blasphemy/ failure of the intellect/ crimes against wisdom
  7. Parinama
    transformation or decay due to time and motion
  8. Vata
    dosha composed of air and ether
  9. Pitta
    dosha composed of fire and water
  10. Kapha
    dosha composed of water and earth Origins of Ayurveda from Caraka Samhita
  11. Brahma
    the creator who is the originator of Ayurvedic knowledge who taught Daksa
  12. Rishis
    sages of India
  13. Prajapata
    the father of Parvotti who married Lord Shiva who taught the knowledge to Indra, who taught the Asvini Kumars, who taught the Sage Bharadvaja, who taught Atreya, who taught Agnivesa
  14. Agnivesa
    Student of Atreya who wrote the Agnivesa Tantra which became the Caraka
  15. Samhita
    The Story of the Churning of the Oceans
  16. Asura
  17. Amrit
    the sacred nectar of immortality
  18. Lord Dhanvantari
    the god of Ayurveda who emerged from the ocean of milk History and Ayurvedic Texts
  19. Ashtanga Hridayam
    a classical text written between 500 � 700 A.D. by Vagbhatta, a Buddhist sage
  20. Vedas
    the oldest writings in the world expounding knowledge of such subjects as grammar, phonetics, ritual etymology, and prosody (metrical verse).
  21. Four Vedas
    Rig Veda, Artharva Veda, Yajur Veda, and Sama Veda.
  22. Brihat Treya
    The three most important books in classical Ayurveda consisting of the Caraka Samhita, the Sushruta Samhita, and the Ashtanga Hridayam.
  23. Laghu Treya
    The three secondary texts of classical Ayurveda consisting of the Ashtanga Samgraha, Madhava Nidanam, and the Sarangadhara Samhita.
  24. Caraka
    The author of the Caraka Samhita, considered to be the most important text on Ayurveda, and an incarnation of Sesa, the king of serpents who supports the universe and who is versed in the Vedas and in Ayurveda.
  25. Sushruta
    The author of the Sushruta Samhita, considered to be the second most important text in Ayurveda, which is well known for its expositions on surgery
  26. Vagbhata
    The author of the Ashtanga Samgraha, which was written first and is simpler, and the Ashtanga Hridayam.
  27. Sankhya
    A system of philosophy which lists 24 tattwas or principles upon which creation rests
  28. 24 Tattwas
    Prakriti, Mahat, Ahamkara, Pancha Maha Bhutus (five elements), Tanmatras (five root energies for sensory experience), Pancha Jnanedriyanis (five sense organs), Pancha Karmendryanis (five potential organs of action/motor experience), Manas (the limited mind projected by ahamkara)
  29. Pancha Maha Bhutus
    five elements
  30. Tanmatra
    five root energies for sensory experience
  31. Pancha Jnanedriyanis
    five sense organs
  32. Pancha Karmendryanis
    five potential organs of action/motor experience
  33. Manas
    the limited mind projected by ahamkara
  34. Purusha
    pure potential consciousness (unmanifest); the male energy of the universe
  35. Prakriti
    pure potential for matter (unmanifest); the female energy of the universe
  36. Gunas
    three basic qualities of nature, often used to evaluate the mind
  37. Rajas
    action, or the quality of mind associated with distraction; corresponds to the god Vishnu
  38. Tamas
    inertia, or the quality of mind associated with ignorance; corresponds to the god Shiva
  39. Sattva
    clarity; corresponds to the god Brahma
  40. Mahat
    cosmic laws that make up the intelligence of the universe
  41. Ahamkara
    self-identity, the ego
  42. Manas
    a limited mind projected by ahamkara
  43. Atman
    the individual soul
  44. Brahman
    the combination of unmanifested pure potential and pure consciousness that exists prior to creation
  45. Raja Yoga
    the royal path of yoga outlined by the great sage Patanjali
  46. Karma Yoga
    the process of subduing the ego through self-less service (seva)
  47. Bhakti Yoga
    the process of surrendering the ego through the worship of a teacher as God (Sat Guru) or of God directly, through chanting devotional hymns and puja (devotional ceremonies)
  48. Jnana Yoga
    the process of subduing the ego through the realization that all of creation is illusion through study, inquiry, and reflection.
  49. Patanjali
    the author of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali which divide Raja Yoga into eight steps
  50. Vrittis
    disturbances in the mind that lead to a distraction from our true nature as spirit Asamprajnata Samadhi
  51. Samadhi
    the state of superconsciousness where the free soul is devoid of temptations and urges, including the urge to take actions that result in positive change
  52. The eight steps of Raja Yoga
    yamas, niyamas, asana, pranayama, pratyahara, dharana, dhyana, Samadhi
  53. Yamas
    5 principles of practice. Ahimsa, satya, aprigraha, brahmacharya, asteya
  54. Ahimsa
  55. Satya
  56. Aprigraha
  57. Brahmacharya
  58. Asteya
  59. Niyamas
    5 devotions/observances. Saucha, santosh, tapas, swadya, iswarapranida
  60. Saucha
  61. Iswarapranida
    Devotion to the journey
  62. Santosh
  63. Tapas
  64. Swadya
    Self-study & scriptural study
  65. Asana
    the physical body postures of yoga- Hatha Yoga
  66. Pranayama
    proper breathing practices
  67. Pratyahara
    withdrawal or mastery of the senses
  68. Dharana
    focusing of the attention/concentration
  69. Dhyana
    sustained concentration
  70. Samadhi
    integrated consciousness
  71. Hatha Yoga Pradipika
    a yogic text further expounding asana, pranayama, kriyas, bandhas, and mudras
  72. Asana
  73. Pranayama
  74. Kriyas
    Purification techniques
  75. Bandhas
    Muscle locks for directing prana
  76. Mudras
    Use of hand positions to seal and stabilize the flow of prana
  77. Siddhis
    eight traditional yogic mystical powers
  78. Nyaya
    a system of philosophy that describes four methods (direct perception, inference, analogy, and testimony) for arriving at the truth
  79. Vaisheshika
    a system of philosophy similar to Nyaya that organizes the world into nine dravyas (substances)
  80. Nine dravyas
    earth, water, fire, air, ether, time, space, atman, and mind
  81. Mimamsa
    a system of philosophy which is the origin of the idea of karma and describes how the way we live our lives and the choices we make affect our experience of pain or pleasure in the next life.
  82. Vedanta
    the basis of Jnana Yoga which provides the tools to cut through the veil of illusion
  83. Maya
  84. Moksha
    liberation of the soul
  85. Aham Brahmasmi
    I am Brahma, one of the Mahavakyas
  86. Tat Twam Asi
    Thou art That, one of the Mahavakyas Karma
  87. Karma
    the force that binds us to the cycle of birth and death when we take actions that serve the ego/ahamkara. The law of karma states that for every effect, there must be a cause.
  88. Samskaras
    tendencies formed as a result of our past actions that affect our actions and beliefs in the present The Four Pursuits in Life
  89. Kama
    the pursuit of pleasure and ecstasy
  90. Artha
    the pursuit of that which is needed to support life
  91. Dharma
    duty, right livelihood, or divine purpose
  92. Moksha
    the pursuit of liberation of the soul from the cycle of life and death; the goal of our higher nature
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yoga iFlashcards.txt
Flashcards for yoga terminology