Management Test I Intro:

  1. All companies for profit or not for profit, service or good producing, are all interested in what?
    adding value
  2. All companies have what departments?
    marketing, operations, management and finance
  3. What are the difference between service companies and goods producing companies
    • 1. In good producing output is tangible whereas in service companies it is intangible
    • 2. Good producing companies have high uniformity of output whereas service companies have low uniformity
    • 3. Productivity reporting is easier for goods producing companies
    • 4. There is more customer contact in service industry
    • 5. Ability to detect a problem before it goes out the door is easier in goods producing
  4. In a standardized business would you have a low or a high amount of product categories?

    In a customized business would you have a low or a high amount of product categories?
    Standardized low amount of product categories.

    Customized high amount of product categories.
  5. In a standardized business would you have a low or a high volume of products?

    In a customized business would you have a low or a high volume of products?
    Standardized high volume of products

    Customized low volume of products
  6. In a standardized business would you have a low or a high cost/unit in products?

    In a customized business would you have a low or a high cost/unit in products?
    Standardized low cost/unit

    Customized high cost/unit
  7. In a standardized business would you have a low or a high price margin?

    In a customized business would you have a low or a high price margin?
    Standardized low price margin

    Customized high price margin
  8. In a standardized business would it take you a long time or a short time to train employees?

    In a customized business would it take you a long time or a short time to train employees?
    Standardized short time

    Customized long time
  9. In a standardized business would you have a low or a high skill level for workers?

    In a customized business would you have a low or a high skill level for workers?
    Standardized low skill level

    Customized high skill level
  10. In a standardized business would you sell your products at cheap or for expensive prices?

    In a customized business would you sell your products at cheap or for expensive prices?
    Standardized cheap prices

    Customized expensive prices
  11. Are companies moving towards standardization or customization?
  12. mass production:
    System in which low-skilled workers use specialized machinery to produce high volumes of standardized goods.
  13. Batch production:
    the manufacturing technique of creating a group of components at a workstation before moving the group to the next step in production. It is used when a moderate volume of goods or services is desired, and it can handle a moderate variety in products or services. (Ex. bakeries, movie theaters, airlines, plays, concerts)
  14. standardization:
    refers to the extent to which there is absence of variety in a product, service, or process
  15. mass customization:
    A strategy of producing basically standardized goods, but incorporating some degree of customization.
  16. delayed differentiation:
    The process of producing, but not quite completing, a product or service until customer preferences are known. (cookie cutter specialized housing)
  17. modular design:
    A form of standardization in which component parts are grouped into modules that are easily replaced or interchanged. (dell computers)
  18. job shop:
    It usually operates ona relatively small scale. It is used when a low volume of high-variety goods or services will be needed. Work includes small jobs.(Ex. tool and die shop able to produce 1ofakind tools, veterinarian's office)
  19. contiuous production:
    When a very high volume of nondiscrete, highly standardized output is desired, a continuous system is used. These systems have almost no variety in output and, hence, no need for equipment flexibility. (Ex. petroleum products, steel, sugar, flower)
  20. projects:
    Unique, one-time operations designed to accomplish a specific set of objectives in a limited time frame.
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Management Test I Intro:
I made these for my Operations Management class at USM.