usually a foreign substance that stimulates of the production of antibodies
protein substances made by white blood cells in response to the presence of foreign antigens
immune response
the reaction between an antigen and an antibody
Hemolytic disease of the new born or erythroblastosis fetalis & can occur in the 1st pregnancy if a mother has had an Rh+ blood transfusion
yellow skin pgmentation & results from an excessive destruction of RBCs & bilirubin
when RBCs break down, the hemoglobin within the cells produces this
rheumatoid arthritis, SLE, and Graves disease
All exs. of autoimmune disorders
rheumatoid arthritis
affects joints
systemic lupus erythematosus
affects connective tissues, skin, & internal organs
Graves disease
causes hyperthroidism
congenital anomalies
those that an infant is born with; includes syndactyly and heart defects
located on the same side
to slide, sag, or fall
Polymerase chain recation (PCR)
a method of producing multiple copies of a single gene & is an improtant tool in recombinant DNA technology
Reye syndrome
characterized by vomiting, swelling of the brain, increased intracranial pressure, hypoglycemia, and dysfunction of the liver
fetal alchohol syndrome
affects infants whose moms drank excessive amounts of alcohol while they were pregnant
Marfan syndrome
An inherited connective tissue disorder that is marked by a tall, thin body type with long, "spidery" fingers and toes, an elongated head and heart, blood vessel, and ophthalmic abnormalities
Another example of symbiosis & occurs when one organism benefits & the other doesn't
Pubic symphysis
Are where the pubic bones of the pelvis have grown togehter
Ultrasound images of the heart
a baby's ultrasound image