accent ' lean to the right /
accent aigu
Accent ^
accent circonflexe
Accent c with a tail c,
ce' ce'dille
Comment s`e'crit le mot?
How do you spell that word
Qui sont ces personnes
Who are these people
le tableau
le bureau
votre ville favorite
your favorite city
pour en savoir plus
to know more
la rentre'e
Designates the period when students return to school- Mid Sept for 6-18, and october for universities
Qu'est-ce qu'il faut
Whats needed?
our un course de
for a course
Qu'est-ce qu'il y a, ma puce
What's wrong sweetheart?
le de'me'nagement
move (to a new residence)
je (becomes j' before a verb form beginning with a vowel sound)
trans: I
Tu (The plural of Tu is Vous)
tu es Yasmine?
Vous etes Yasmine et Benoit?
- Tu=you
- Are you yasmine?
- Are you Yasmine and Benoit?
Vous: formal sing, form plural
Feminine nouns
elle or elles
Il, elle, on EST
nous : SOMMES
vous =^ETES
ils, elles= SONT
Negative form of C'est
Ce sont
To make a verb in french negative
Insert ne before the verb and pas after it.
- Je suis content: I am happy
- Je ne suis pas content: I am not happy.
not at all, absolutely not
ne...pas du tout
not anymore, no longer
never, not ever
on n'est pas comme ca
We're not like that
Preschool at age 2: 99.8% attend
l'e'cole maternelle
Elementary school around age 6
l' e'cole primaire
First year of elementary school
le cours pr'eparatoire
un colle'ge
middle school
une e'cole
elementary school
une e'ponge
sponge; blackboard eraser
les e'tudes (f. pl)
un(e) instituteur/trice
elementary school teacher
un lyce'e
secondary school
un(e) lyce'en (ne)
High school student
Un (e) maitre/maitresse
elementary school teacher
un tableau (des tableaux)
black board
la communication
l'informatique (f.)
computer science
once, you, people we, they
you (fam. pl, formal sing, and pl.)
est-ce que
is it (true) that
so,therefore, then, in that case
there is/are; here is/are