BMC Insight Kim Affirmations

  1. I am willing to risk getting close to someone knowing that love involves loss.
  2. If someone doesn't return my love/friendship I will let it go and move on.
  3. I can accept support from others when I need it. I can offer support to others.
  4. When angry, I will ask myself if I'd rather be happy or right.
  5. I will lower my standards & choose happiness over my high expectations.
  6. Anything worth doing is worth doing poorly.
  7. I'll embrace all of my emotions & discover the real me and enjoy life.
  8. I'm the only one who can make me angry.
  9. I'll choose joy and peace over anger.
  10. To achieve joy I'll lower my expectations and express gratitude for whatever I do enjoy.
  11. Grieving and expressing all my lonely, vulnerable feelings is the only path to joy.
  12. The most important things in my life are family, friends, and relationships.
  13. When I mess up I can forgive myself and move on.
  14. I an laugh at myself, knowing I'm human.
  15. Listen to my wise mind. Let my inner compass direct the course of my life.
  16. Resurrect my creativity. Delight in the mystery of my inner muse.

  17. Take a walk and let the beauty of nature feed my soul.

  18. Set a goal, write it down, and release the outcome. Small steps make a difference.
  19. I can't say yes to a good and happy life until I begin taking risks with new safe people.
  20. I will take credit for all of my accomplishments.
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BMC Insight Kim Affirmations
Insight Affirmations