Music theory chapter 3

  1. define : scale
    the arrangement in acending order or decending order that is the basis of a musical composition
  2. define: chromatic scale
    all twelve pitches in an octive cromatically arranged
  3. define: major scale
    scale made up of two tetrachords with a whole step inbetween them(wwhwwwhw)
  4. define: Tetrachord
    a musical segment made of four notes in the interval whole step whole step half step ( eg cdef)
  5. spell the c major scale
    • c d e f g a b c
    • 0 sharp 0 flat
  6. spell the g major scale
    • g a b c d e f# g
    • 1 sharp
  7. spell the d major scale
    • d e f# g a b c# d
    • 2 sharps
  8. spell the a major scale
    • a b c# d e f# g# a
    • 3 sharps
  9. spell the e major scale
    • e f# g# a b c# d# e
    • 4 sharps
  10. spell the b Major scale
    • b c# d# e f# g# a# b
    • 5 sharps
  11. spell the f# major scale
    • f# g# a# b c# d# e# f#
    • 6 sharps
  12. spell the C# major scale
    • C# D# E# F# G# A# B# C#
    • 7 sharps
  13. spell the f major scale
    • f g a Bb c d e f
    • 1 flat
  14. spell the Bb major scale
    • Bb C D Eb F G A Bb
    • 2 flats
  15. spell the Eb major scale
    • Eb F G Ab Bb c d Eb
    • 3 flats
  16. spell the Ab major scale
    • Ab Bb C Db Eb F G Ab
    • 4 flats
  17. spell the Db major scale
    • Db Eb F Gb Ab Bb C Db
    • 5 flats
  18. spell the Gb major scale
    • Gb Ab Bb Cb Db Eb F Gb
    • 6 flats
  19. spell the Cb major scale
    • Cb Db Eb Fb Gb Ab Bb Cb
    • 7 flats
  20. Image Upload 2
    One Sharp Major
    G Major
  21. Image Upload 4
    Two Sharps Major
    D Major
  22. Image Upload 6
    Two Sharps Minor
    B Minor
  23. Image Upload 8
    One Sharp Minor
    E Minor
  24. Image Upload 10
    Three Sharps Major
    A Major
  25. Image Upload 12
    Three Sharps Minor
    F # Minor
  26. Image Upload 14
    Four Sharps Major
    E Major
  27. Image Upload 16
    Four Sharps Minor
    C # Minor
  28. Image Upload 18
    Five Sharps Major
    B Major
  29. Image Upload 20
    Five Sharps Minor
    G # Minor
  30. Image Upload 22
    Six Sharps Major
    F # Major
  31. Image Upload 24
    Six Sharps Minor
    D # Minor
  32. Image Upload 26
    Seven Sharps Major
    C # Major
  33. Image Upload 28
    Seven Sharps Minor
    A# Minor
  34. Image Upload 30
    0 Major
    C Major
  35. Image Upload 32
    0 Minor
    A Minor
  36. Image Upload 34
    One Flat Major
    F Major
  37. Image Upload 36
    One Flat Minor
    D Minor
  38. Image Upload 38
    Two Flats Major
    B♭ Major
  39. Image Upload 40
    Two Flats Minor
    G Minor
  40. Image Upload 42
    Three Flats Major
    E♭ Major
  41. Image Upload 44
    Three Flats Minor
    C minor
  42. Image Upload 46
    Four Flats Major
    A♭ Major
  43. Image Upload 48
    Four Flats Minor
    F Minor
  44. Image Upload 50
    Five Flats Major
    D♭ Major
  45. Image Upload 52
    Five Flats Minor
    B♭ Minor
  46. Image Upload 54
    Six Flats Major
    G♭ Major
  47. Image Upload 56
    Six Flats Minor
    E♭ Minor
  48. Image Upload 58
    Seven Flats Major
    C♭ Major
  49. Image Upload 60
    Seven Flats Minor
    A♭ Minor
  50. define : Key signature
    notes that are sharp or flat throught the entire piece placed before the first notes
  51. define: Relative/ natural minor and what is the step pattern
    a minor scale that shares the same key signature as a major scale but has a different name, it is in this step pattern (whwwhww)
  52. spell the a natural minor scale
    • A B C D E F G A
    • 0 sharps or flats
  53. spell the E natural minor scale
    • E F# G A B C D E
    • 1 sharp
  54. Spell the B natural minor scale
    • B C# D E F# G A B
    • 2 sharps
  55. spell the F# natural minor scale
    • F# G# A B C# D E F#
    • 3 sharps
  56. spell the C# natural minor scale
    • C# D# E F# G# A B C#
    • 4 sharps
  57. spell the g# natural minor scale
    • G# A# B C# D# E F# G
    • 5 sharps
  58. spell the d# natural minor scale
    • D# E# F# G# A# B C# D#
    • 6 sharps
  59. spell the A# natural minor scale
    • A# B# C# D# E# F# G# A#
    • 7 sharps
  60. spell the d natural minor scale
    • D E F G A Bb C D
    • 1 flat
  61. spell the g natural minor scale
    • G A Bb C D Eb F G
    • 2 flats
  62. spell the C natural minor scale
    • C D Eb F G Ab Bb C
    • 3 flats
  63. spell the f natural minor scale
    • F G Ab Bb C Db Eb f
    • 4 flats
  64. spell the Bb natural minor scale
    • Bb C Db Eb F Gb Ab Bb
    • 5 flats
  65. spell the Eb natural minor scale
    • Eb F Gb Ab Bb Cb Db Eb
    • 6 flats
  66. spell the Ab natural minor scale
    • Ab Bb Cb Db Eb Fb Gb Ab
    • 7 flats
  67. define: Harmonic minor scale and what is the step pattern
    a natural minor scale with the 7th raised by a half step (whwwh[3/2]w)
  68. spell the a harmonic minor scale
    • A B C D E F G# A
    • 0 sharps or flats
  69. spell the E harmonic minor scale
    • E F# G A B C D# E
    • 1 sharp
  70. Spell the B harmonic minor scale
    • B C# D E F# G A# B
    • 2 sharps
  71. spell the F# Harmonic minor scale
    • F# G# A B C# D E# F#
    • 3 sharps
  72. spell the C# harmonic minor scale
    • C# D# E F# G# A B# C#
    • 4 sharps
  73. spell the g# harmonic minor scale
    • G# A# B C# D# E Fx G
    • 5 sharps
  74. spell the d# harmonic minor scale
    • D# E# F# G# A# B Cx D#
    • 6 sharps
  75. spell the A# harmonic minor scale
    • A# B# C# D# E# F# Gx A#
    • 7 sharps
  76. spell the d Harmonic minor scale
    • D E F G A Bb C# D
    • 1 flat
  77. spell the g harmonic minor scale
    • G A Bb C D Eb F# G
    • 2 flats
  78. spell the C harmonic minor scale
    • C D Eb F G Ab B C
    • 3 flats
  79. spell the f harmonic minor scale
    • F G Ab Bb C Db E f
    • 4 flats
  80. spell the Bb harmonic minor scale
    • Bb C Db Eb F Gb A Bb
    • 5 flats
  81. spell the Eb harmonic minor scale
    • Eb F Gb Ab Bb Cb D Eb
    • 6 flats
  82. spell the Ab harmonic minor scale
    • Ab Bb Cb Db Eb Fb G Ab
    • 7 flats
  83. define the melodic minor scale and what is the step pattern
    the natrual minor scale with the 6th and 7th raised on the acent but is the same as the natural minor on the decent (whwwwwh)
  84. spell the a melodic minor scale
    • A B C D E F# G# A G F E D C B A
    • 0 sharps or flats
  85. spell the E melodic minor scale
    • E F# G A B C# D# E D C B A G F# E
    • 1 sharp
  86. Spell the B melodic minor scale
    • B C# D E F# G# A# B A G F# E D C# B
    • 2 sharps
  87. spell the F# melodic minor scale
    • F# G# A B C# D# E# F# E D C# B A G# F#
    • 3 sharps
  88. spell the C# melodic minor scale
    • C# D# E F# G# A# B# C# B A G# F# E D# C#
    • 4 sharps
  89. spell the g# melodic minor scale
    • G# A# B C# D# E# Fx G F# E D# C# B A# G#
    • 5 sharps
  90. spell the d# melodic minor scale
    • D# E# F# G# A# B# C#x D# C# B A# G# F# E# D#
    • 6 sharps
  91. spell the A# melodic minor scale
    • A# B# C# D# E# Fx Gx A# G# F# E# D# C# B# A#
    • 7 sharps
  92. spell the d melodic minor scale
    • D E F G A B C# D C Bb A G F E D
    • 1 flat
  93. spell the g Melodic minor scale
    • G A Bb C D E F# G F Eb D C Bb A G
    • 2 flats
  94. spell the C melodic minor scale
    • C D Eb F G A B C Bb Ab G F Eb D C
    • 3 flats
  95. spell the f melodic minor scale
    • F G Ab Bb C D E f Eb Db C Bb Ab G F
    • 4 flats
  96. spell the Bb melodic minor scale
    • Bb C Db Eb F G A Bb Ab Gb F Eb Db C Bb
    • 5 flats
  97. spell the Eb melodic minor scale
    • Eb F Gb Ab Bb C D Eb Db Cb Bb Ab Gb F Eb
    • 6 flats
  98. spell the Ab Melodic minor scale
    • Ab Bb Cb Db Eb F G Ab Gb Fb Eb Db Cb Bb Ab
    • 7 flats
  99. define: parallel minor
    • by adding 3 flats to the key of the major key you get the minor key of the same name
    • eg f major (1 flat) + 3 flats + f minor (four flats)
  100. if the book is easialy available do excerise a on page 79 part one and 2
  101. if the book is easialy available do excerise b on page 81
  102. if the book is easialy available do exerise c on page 82
  103. if the book is easialy available do exerise d on page 83
  104. if the book is easialy available do exerise e on page 84
  105. if the book is easialy available do exerise f on page 85
  106. Define: interval
    two notes played at the same time
  107. what two part designation is given to an interval
    • the number is the number of note names spanned and the qualifing term which detonates which interval
    • eg M5 m5 P5 +5
  108. when do you use a Major or minor qualifing term
    when you have a second third sixth or seventh
  109. when do you use a perfect qualifing term
    on unisons fourths fifths and octives
  110. when do you use an agumented or diminished qualifing term
    on any interval ( there is an exception the diminished cannot be used on a unison)
  111. what is a major unison composed of
    a pitch and the same pitch
  112. what is a minor second composed of
    a half step eg c c#
  113. what is a major second composed of
    a whole step eg c d
  114. what is a minor 3rd composed of
    3 half steps
  115. what is a major 3rd composed of
    4 half steps
  116. what is a perfect 4th composed of
    5 half steps
  117. what is a perect 5th composed of
    7 half steps
  118. what is a minor sixth composed of
    8 half steps
  119. what is a major sixth composed of
    nine half steps
  120. what is a minor 7th composed of
    ten half steps
  121. what is a major 7th composed of
    11 half steps
  122. what is a perfict octive composed of
    12 half steps
  123. how is a diminished interval different than its non diminished counterpart
    the diminished lowers the interval by a half step be aware that if you diminish a major interval it becomes a minor interval and if you diminish it again it becomes a diminished interval
  124. how is a agumented interval different than its non agumented countrpart
    the agumeted interval expands the inerval by a half step be aware that if you agument a minor interval it becomes a major interval and if you agument it again it becomes an agumented interval
  125. define: inversion and give the rules
    • octive transpostion of one of the pitches so the order of the pitches changes
    • rules 1) subtract its numerial value from nine
    • 2) change the quality as follows
    • - major becomes minor and vise versa
    • - agumented becomes diminished and vise versa
    • - perfect intervals remain perfect
    • eg- m2 step 1) 9-2=7 step 2) m becomes M so it is a M7 chord
  126. define: simple interval
    an interval that is contained in one octive
  127. define: compound interval
    an interval that is larger than an octive
  128. define: diatonic interval
    intervals formed by two pitches in the given key
  129. define: chromatic interval
    involve a cromatic cange in one or both of the notes in the interval
  130. define: consonance and what intervals are included
    an interval with a lack of tension ( P unison, P4 , P5, P8, M3, m3 , M6 , m6)
  131. define: dissonance and what intervals are included
    a chord that sudjests tension ( all seconds sevenths agumented and diminished chords
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Music theory chapter 3
the book essentials of music theory by ralpf turek please know i use these symbols / is a bar line 1 is a whole note 2 is a half note 3 is a dotted half note 4 is a quarter note 5 is a dotted quarter 8 is an eighth note and 6 is a 16th note if two values have a - between them they are slurred (eg 4-8 = 5) to detonate a rest an r is placed before the note (eg r4 would be a quarter note rest)