DHE150 Instrument Sharpening Quiz 2

  1. Instrumentation Sharpening objectives:
    restore blade sharpness

    —Preserve original contours
  2. —Sharp instruments provide:
    —sharp cutting edge bites into the deposit/dull edge slides

    —Patient comfort (less stroke pressure)

    —Decreased operator fatigue (tiny upward strokes vs. pressing with greater force against a deposit)

    —Decreased operator frustration

    —Decreased burnished calc / tissue trauma (TT) / working time

    —Increase in quality of procedure / safety / clac removal / control / operator efficiency
  3. —Sharp cutting edge:
    fine line formed where the face and lateral surface meet
  4. Dull cutting edge
    results when metal is worn away from the cutting edge until the face and lateral surface meet at a rounded surface
  5. The Cutting edge is:
    Is a line

    It has length

    But, no width
  6. Image Upload 2
    • 1. universal curet or gracey
    • 2. Universal
    • 3.sickle anterior
    • 4.sickle posterior
  7. The cutting edge is formed by
    • the junction of the instrument face and the lateral surface.
    • Image Upload 4
    • 1/3 toe is the last part
  8. Image Upload 6
  9. Image Upload 8
  10. Cutting Edge: Area-Specific Curet
  11. —Internal angle on a universal curet or a sickle scaler  or an area specific curet is:
    —Between 70 and 80 degrees
  12. _____ Cutting Edge will reflect light.
    • Dull
  13. ____Cutting Edge does NOT reflect light.
    • Sharp
  14. —Sharpening the cutting edges in ___ is a strategy to preserve design characteristics, whether it has straight or curved cutting edges.
  15. Divide the cutting edge into 3 imaginary sections:
    • Heel-third
    • Middle-third
    • Toe-third
  16. —How can you tell when a curet has lost it’s sharpness?
    • —Decrease tactile sense
    • No grabbing tooth structure
    • Must angle curet to a more ‘closed’ position to get grip
  17. Explorer sharpening:
    • —Drag and rotate the first 2 to 3 mm along the sharpening stone
  18. Universal curet sharpening:
    • D&W recommend:
    • blade moved at 110 angulation from the lower third of the blade to the midline of the toe
    • Universal curet blade is offset at 90 degrees to the shank
    • Each side is sharpened as needed
  19. Gracey curet sharpening:
    • —D&W recommend:
    • angulation of 100 to 110 degrees
    • Gracey curet blade is offset at 60 to 70 degrees to the shank
    • Gracey curet are tilted away from the stone and not perpendicular to the floor
  20. Moving the instrument over the stone is recommended for?
    • sharpening flat surfaces such as the hoe or sickle scaler.
    • How to: moving the working-end across the surface of a stabilized stone
    • Use modified pen graspSlide on Fulcrum as You Sharpen
  21. Moving the stone over the instrument is recommended for?
    • sharpening curets
    • How to: —moving a sharpening stone over a lateral surface of a stabilized instrument
    • Use a palm grasp / Stabilize hand  / Stabilize instrument
    • Angulation between instrument face and sharpening stone should be between 70 and 80 degrees
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DHE150 Instrument Sharpening Quiz 2
DHE150 Instrument Sharpening Quiz 2