Psychology Terminology

  1. fornesic
    Clients often those who are brought to the hospital from a jail or prison
  2. Functional Disorder
    disorder with no specific causation
  3. Grandiosity
    Feelings of invinsibility and exagerated self importance
  4. Halluncination
    Hearing seeing feeling things that are not there, misperceptions distorted
  5. Hypersomnia
    sleeping too much
  6. insomnia
    can't fn sleep
  7. intrusive
    interfering behavior
  8. Lability
    sudden changes in personality
  9. malingering
    feigning or faking sumptoms so that he/she can stay in the hospital to receive meds avoid arrest or get attention
  10. mania
    agitation elation hyperactivity
  11. mutism
    refusal to speak
  12. neuroleptics
    • antipsycholic medication major tranquilizers
    • Haldol thorazine. prolaxin, trilafon
  13. obsession
    recurrent persistent intrusive thought ot belief that a person can not ignore
  14. opisthotonos
    a great ridgid spasm of the body sever hyper extension of the head to toes
  15. Organic disorder
    pysch disorder with a physical finding such as brain tumor
  16. perseverate
    uncontrollable repetition of a particular response ( word phrase)
  17. phobia
    is a persistant excessive unreasonable and sever fear of a particular thing or event
  18. polydipsic
    drink excessive amts
  19. psychometric
    makes or is a test /tests variablessuch as intellegence aptitudes
  20. psychosis
    deviation from the noraml behavior and seriously inapprolpriate conduct a thought disorder that interfers with ones ability to deal with reality
  21. rapport
    harmonious relationship
  22. regression
    returning to infantile behavior
  23. schizophrenia
    is a group of psychotic disorders that have two or more of the following postive symptoms ...delusions hallucinations disorganized speech grossly disorganized behavior
  24. tardive dyskinesia
    severe and common side effect of neurolyptics Protrusion of the tongue and parkonsonian type jerking movements
  25. vulnerable Adult
    law that protects itellectually impaired and mentally ill people whoe are unable to prtect themselves.
  26. types of schizophrenia
    • disorganized : the person who exhibits disorganized speech behavior or both
    • Paranoid:
    • Undifferenciated:
    • Residual: History of one schizophenia episode hallucinations, disorganized, speech
    • Cataonic:
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Psychology Terminology
Psychology Terminology LVN 6