Chi points

  1. LU-1, central storage
    collarbone dip next to point of shoulder (medial), at pectoral attachment. 

    Front-Mu (alarm) point for Lung. Immune regulation, lung heat, cough, dyspnea
  2. LU-5, cubit marsh
    Medial, where limb leaves body, just lateral to biceps tendon.  In cubital crease, front of upper limb. 

    He-sea point (water).  Water point for lung (sedates). Lung heat, fever, cough, asthma
  3. LU-7, great abyss
    just distal to "ski slope". Radiocarpal joint, front of limb, more dorsal. HT-7 is the more proximal slope. 

    Shu-stream point (earth), mother for deficiency. Yuan source point, influential for blood vessels. Lung deficiency, cough, asthma, dyspnea
  4. LI-4, union valley
    between digits 2 and 3, metacarpal bones, just above the bend.  As high as possible without scraping bones, in between. Can use functional thumb web in cats (between 1 and 2). 

    Yuan source point, master point for face and mouth.  Nasal discharge/congestion, facial paralysis, dental pain.
  5. LI-10, Front 3 mile
    2 cun distal to LI-11 (1/6th of the way from elbow to carpus) in lateral groove.  There are 12 cun from carpus to elbow (9 from elbow to shoulder). Aligns with 11 when FLEXED. 

    Immune regulation, general tonic, skin itching, diarrhea, wind-heat, elbow pain, thoracic limb and pelvic limb weakness.
  6. LI-11, Pool on the Bend
    Cubital crease lateral to biceps tendon, before lateral epicondyle (lat elbow). Pocket when elbow is flexed. 

    He-sea point (earth), mother point for deficiency, wind-heat, diarrhea, constipation, elbow pain
  7. LI-15, shoulder bone
    Craniodistal to acromion.  Find the spine of the scapula, follow it ventrally.  "fish lips". "LI (15) leads, TH (14) trails"

    shoulder pain, cervical stiffness
  8. LI-20, welcome aroma
    widest part of nostril, lateral to haired-non-haired juction.  First haired area. 

    sinusitis or nasal d/c.  Laryngeal stuff.
  9. ST-1, receiving tears
    notch in orbit under pupil, just inside infraorbital ridge. Retropulse eyeball.  "the eyes are bigger than the stomach". 

    conjunctivitis, uveitis, liver heat.  

    The stomach makes a smile on the face--you're always happy when you're eating.
  10. ST-2, whites
    dental blocks!  Depression in the center of the infraorbital foramen

    conjunctivitis, uveitis, abdominal pain.
  11. ST-4, earth granary
    lateral commissure of the mouth, just caudal to mucocutaneous border.  

    Facial paralysis, dental pain.
  12. ST-6, jawbone
    Middle of masseter, should be a depression. 

    Facial paralysis, dental pain.
  13. ST-25, celestial center
    2 cun lateral to umbilicus, center of rectus muscle. Usu in line with mammary chain. 

    Front mu (alarm) point for LI.  Constipation, diarrhea, abdominal pain, vomiting.  Obstipation in cats!!  megacolon point.
  14. ST-35a, calf's nose
    lateral to patellar tendon, distal to patella. Needle at a 45 degree angle inward. 

    stifle problems, pelvic limb weakness
  15. ST-35b, knee curve
    medial to patellar tendon, distal to patella. Needle at 45 degrees inward

    Stifle problems, pelvic limb weakness
  16. ST-36, rear 3 mile
    distal to tibial tuberosity, lateral edge of tibial crest. 3 cun distal to ST-35(a,b). Belly of cranial tibialis. 

    He-sea (earth) point, master point for GI and abdomen.  Nausea, vomiting, gastric pain, gastric ulcer, food stasis, general tonic
  17. ST-37, upper great hollow
    3 cun distal to ST-36, just lateral to tibial crest, halfway down tibia. 

    Lower he-sea point for LI channel.  Diarrhea, intestinal ulcers, constipation
  18. ST-39, lower great hollow
    3 cun distal to ST-37 (halfway down tibia), just lateral to tibial crest. Just before cranial tibial muscle becomes tendon, ~ 3/4 of the way down the limb. 

    Lower He-sea point for SI channel.  Diarrhea, abdominal pain, dysentery, hemiplegia, impaction
  19. ST-40, bountiful bulge
    divide tibia in half, LATERAL to muscle belly of cranial tibia.  Proximal and more lateral than ST-39. 

    Luo-connecting point to Spleen.  Influential point for phlegm. Obesity, lipoma, phlegm, damp heat skin, itching.
  20. ST-41, ravine divide
    Center of hock dorsally, directly on midline.  Huge hole. Like TH-4 on front limb. 

    Jing-river point (fire). Wei syndrome, paresis/paralysis of pelvic limb, spleen deficiency
  21. ST-42, surging yang
    • at junction of middle two metatarsals (3 and 4). In the depression just distal to the bump where they meet (lateral). 
    • Bookends? With BL-64?

    Yuan (source) point. Facial paralysis, facial swelling, dental problems, epilepsy, wei syndrome, gastric pain.
  22. ST-44, inner court
    web of the middle two digits (3 and 4), as high as you can go. Just distal and lateral to third metatarsophalangeal joint. 

    Ying-spring point (water), stomach heat, gastric ulcers
  23. ST-45, severe mouth
    lateral side of third digit nail base. 

    Jing-well (metal) point. Son point for excess, diagnostic and treatment points for appetite.
  24. SP-3, greater white
    Flare at distal medial metatarsal.  Plantar (spongy).  Caudoventral to metatarsal. Medial pelvic limb just proximal to metatarsophalangeal joint on plantomedial side of 2nd metatarsal bone. 

    Shu-stream point (Earth), Yuan (source) point, horary point.  Abdominal pain, diarrhea, constipation, obesity, stifle and thigh pain
  25. SP-4, yellow emperor
    Distal bookend, opposite BL-64.  Plantomedial side of pelvic limb in the depression distal to the base (proximal end) of metatarsal bone. 

    Luo-connecting point to stomach, confluent point to Chong channel.  Watery diarrhea, vomiting.
  26. SP-6, 3 Yin crossing
    Opposite where lateral saphenous crosses caudal tibia (medial) along medial side. 3 cun proximal to tip of medial malleolus, small depression on caudal border of tibia, opposite GB-39 (lateral). 

    Master point for the caudal abdomen and urogenital system. Yin/Blood deficiency, damp, watery diarrhea, uterine problems.
  27. SP-8, Earth's Crux
    Medial side of pelvic limb, 3 cun distal to SP-9, on caudal border of tibia, cranial to deep digital flexor muscle. Count cun from SP-9

    Xi-cleft point.  Acute onset of diarrhea, abdominal pain, diarrhea, edema, irregular heat cycles, dysuria, abdominal masses.
  28. SP-9, Mound Spring
    Medial tibial condyle, just below in the flare. Just beyond tendons on iner side. MUST be on the tibia.  LIV 8 is just barely higher but on the femur (CAREFUL - don't jump the bridge).  Between tibia and gastroc

    He-sea point (water), yin deficiency, damp, watery diarrhea, skin itching, wei syndrome
  29. SP-10, Sea of Blood
    1 patella up, one patella over (medial). Depression just cranial to 2nd belly of sartorius muscle. 

    Blood deficiency, blood heat, blood stagnation, skin itching, pelvic limb paralysis or paresis
  30. SP-21, Great embracement
    Count intercostal SPACES, at level of point of shoulder. Lateral thorax in the 7th intercostal space. 

    Major luo point of the spleen. Generalized pain, thoracic pain, dyspnea, digestive disorders, thoracic and pelvic limb weakness, wei syndrome.  Jing deficiency.
  31. HT-1, Highest Spring
    Hole in brachial plexus, straight into underarm hole. 

    Shen disturbance, increased thirst, yin deficiency, chest pain, shoulder pain.
  32. HT-3, Minor sea
    dorsal/cranial to medial epicondyle of elbow--fall forward. Between end of cubital crease and medial epicondyle. 

    He-sea point (water), elbow pain, chest pain, congestive heart failure
  33. HT-7, spirit gate
    "heart on your sleeve". Huge depression at lateral base of carpus--JEDI TUNNEL. 

    Shu-stream point (earth), yuan (source) point, son point for excess, shen disturbance, anxiety, insomnia, chest pain, poor memory, restlessness, epilepsy.  Behavioral.
  34. HT-8, Lesser Mansion
    Palmar surface of the pad between 4th and 5th metacarpals, proximal to metacarpophalangeal jctn, proximal to pad base. Not as deep and under lateral curve 

    Ying-spring point (Fire). Urinary incontinence, genital itching, palpitation, pain in the feet.
  35. HT-9, Minor channel
    Dr. Evil - medial pinky nail. Medial aspect of nail bed of 5th digit of front foot.

    Jing-well point (wood), mother point. Febrile disease, mania, coma, palpitation
  36. SI-3, Back Ravine
    lateral metacarpal flare--lateral to 5th digit (palmar). Proximal to metacarpophalangeal joint on caudolateral side of 5th metacarpal bone. Like the front SP-3. 

    Shu-stream point (wood), mother point for deficiency, confluent point of GV channel. Cervical stiffness, back pain, red eyes.  Pain.
  37. SI-4, wrist bone
    next flare from SI-3, have to move the tendon out of the way. Lateral side of thoracic limb, distal to carpal joint, caudolateral to the base of the 5th metacarpal bone. Shelf next to the carpal pad. 

    Yuan (source) point, thoracic limb weakness, cervical pain, intervertebral disk disease, jaundice, fever, carpal pain and osteoarthritis.
  38. SI-8, small sea
    Medial side of elbow between medial humeral epicondyle and the olecranon ("funny bone", at the ulnar nerve). MEDIAL (makes no sense - asshole point). Big holes on either side of the olecranon with zhou-shu.

    Son point for excess, he-sea point (earth). Epilepsy, pain in elbow
  39. SI-9, Shoulder Hollow
    Lateral center of brachium (big hole). think of brachium like a circle and poke the center. There may be 2 grooves, so grab the triceps (small). Caudal to humerus, depression along caudal border of the deltoid at the level of shoulder joint. 

    Ear problems, shoulder pain, thoracic limb lameness or paralysis.  Master point for front limb.
  40. SI-16, Celestial window
    Find the caudal edge of the atlas by the ear (dorsal to C 2-3), slide towards spine at the edge of the splenius (3 cun). Use width of last rib for cun. In brachiocephalicus at level of C2-3 intervertebral space, 3 cun ventrolateral to dorsal midline. 

    Cervical stiffness, ear problems, deafness, pharyngitis
  41. SI-19, Hearing Place
    Rostral to tragus, follow cartilage to soft tissue. At caudal border of mandible and slightly dorsal to condyloid process

    otitis, deafness, headshaking, dental pain, epilepsy
  42. BL-1, bright eyes
    0.1 cun dorsal to medial canthus of the eye

    Crossing point among BL, SI, Yin-qiao, Yang-qiao and ST channels.  Eye problems, headache
  43. BL-2, Bamboo gathering
    Base of medial eyebrow.  In supraorbital ridge ventral to the medial end of the eyebrow. 

    Headache, eye problems, facial paralysis.  Corneal ulcers.
  44. BL-10, Celestial Pillar
    1.5 cun from dorsal midline of the neck at the level of the junction of C1 and C2 (on a line from the caudal edges of the wings of the atlas).

    Headache, wind-cold, nasal congestion/discharge, febrile disease, cervical stiffness, epilepsy, shoulder pain
  45. BL-11, Big Shuttle
    Inside the cranial angle of the scapula.  Follow the cranial border of the scapula to get to T1 (first bump you can feel, cervical spinal processes are short). Then width of 2nd rib lateral. 

    Influential point for bone.  Cough, fever, cervical stiffness, shoulder pain, degenerative joint disease, intervertebral disk disease, back pain.
  46. BL-12, Wind gate
    1.5 cun lateral to the caudal border of the dorsal spinous process of the 2nd thoracic vertebrae.  Highest part of scapula

    Influential point for wind and trachea.  Wind-cold, wind-heat, cough, fever, headache, cervical stiffness, pain in thoracic region
  47. BL-13, Lung's Hollow
    1.5 cun lateral to the caudal border of the dorsal spinous process of the 3rd thoracic vertebrae.  Back of scapula

    Back-shu (association) point for lung. Cough, asthma, lower tidal fever, yin deficiency, nasal congestion
  48. BL-14, Pericardium Hollow
    1.5 cun lateral to the caudal border of the dorsal spinous process of 4th thoracic vertebrae. 

    Back-shu (association) point for pericardium. Cough, chest pain, vomiting, anxiety
  49. BL-15, Heart's Hollow
    1.5 cun lateral to the caudal border of the dorsal spinous process of the 5th thoracic vertebrae

    Back-shu (Association) point for heart.  Anxiety, shen disturbance, insomnia, poor memory, epilepsy, chest pain, CHF
  50. BL-16, Governing Hollow
    1.5 cun lateral to the caudal border of the dorsal spinous process of the 6th thoracic vertebrae. 

    Back-shu (association) point for GV (YANG). IVDD, chest pain, cough, dyspnea, abdominal pain
  51. BL-17, Diaphragm's Hollow
    1.5 cun lateral to the caudal border of the spinous process of the 7th thoracic vertebrae

    Back-shu (association) point for diaphragm, influential point for blood. Blood deficiency, yin deficiency, vomiting, regurgitation, cough, dyspneal, seizures (LIV-blood deficiency), itching.
  52. BL-18, Liver's Hollow
    1.5 cun lateral to the caudal border of the spinous process of the 10th thoracic vertebrae (anticlinal).  Skip T8, T9. Follow up from Bl 21, at the dip in the back. 

    Back-shu (association) point for liver.  Jaundice, hepatic diseases, eye problems, hypertension, back pain, epilepsy, irritability, pain.  (Liver holds Qi, stagnation)
  53. BL-19, Gall Bladder Hollow
    1.5 cun lateral to the caudal border of the spinous process of the 11th thoracic vertebrae (follow 1 down from anticlinal or up from BL-21 at 13th)

    Back-shu (association) point for gall bladder.  Jaundice, hepatic disease, lower-tidal fever, liver Qi stagnation
  54. BL-20, spleen's hollow
    1.5 cun lateral to the caudal border of the spinous process of the 12th thoracic vertebrae (follow up from 21 at 13th)

    Back-shu (association) point for spleen.  Spleen deficiency, damp, abdominal fullness, vomiting, watery or bloody diarrhea, edema, jaundice, back pain
  55. BL-21, Stomach's Hollow
    1.5 cun lateral to the caudal border of the spinous process of the 13th thoracic vertebrae.  Follow the curve of the last rib up. 

    Back-shu (association) point for stomach. Abdominal pain, constipation, vomiting, gastric ulcer, diarrhea, abdominal fullness
  56. BL-22, triple heater shu
    1.5 cun lateral to the caudal border of the spinous process of the FIRST LUMBAR vertebrae

    Back-shu (association) point for triple heater.  Edema, vomiting, diarrhea, back pain.  Incontinence, ascites.  (TH is the garbage disposal, it moves fluids)
  57. BL-23, Kidney's Hollow
    1.5 cun lateral to the caudal border of the dorsal spinous process of the 2nd lumbar vertebrae.  Follow last rib STRAIGHT up (not the curve).  BL 23 is between L2 and 3. (THEN SKIP L3). 

    • Back-shu (association) point for kidney.  Kidney yin/Qi deficiency, urinary incontinence, impotence, deafness, sore and weak back. 
    • Adequan injections here
  58. BL-24, Qi sea hollow
    1.5 cun lateral to the caudal border of the dorsal spinous process of the 4th lumbar verebrae BL 24 to L4

    Sea of Qi, Qi deficiency, back pain, abdominal pain, uterine disease
  59. BL-25, Large Intestine Hollow
    1.5 cun lateral to the caudal border of the dorsal spinous process of the 5th lumbar vertebrae.  Behind L5 - count backward from 23 or up from sacrum (end of hip = LS jctn)

    Back-shu (association) point for large intestine.  Abdominal pain, diarrhea, constipation, back pain
  60. BL-26, Source Hollow
    1.5 cun lateral to the 6th lumbar vertebrae, behind L6. 

    Gates of Original/Source Qi.  Kidney Yang/Qi deficiency, urinary incontinence or dribbling, impotence, back pain, diarrhea.  Hereditary hip dysplasia (jing deficiency)
  61. BL-28, Bladder Hollow
    Between S1-S2, 1.5 cun lateral to the dorsal midline.  Between the sacrum and the medial border of the wings of the ilium.  Just behind LS junction. 

    Back shu association point for bladder.  Dysuria, urinary incontinence, diarrhea, constipation, lumbosacral pain
  62. BL-35, meeting of Yang
    In the crease just lateral to the tail base, 1.5 cun lateral to the dorsal midline.  Each side of tail base. 

    • Bloody urination or defecation, perianal itching.  Anal glands. 
    • Electro to BL-11 for paralyzed.
  63. BL-36, support
    usually at the twirl of fur on the hind end. Follow ischium straight down, at beginning of semitens. Ventral to lateral border of tuber ischii int he biceps groove (between biceps femoris and semitens)

    back pain, paralysis of pelvic limb
  64. BL-39, yang in the bend
    On the lateral end of popliteal crease on the medial border of the biceps femoris tendon, just lateral to BL-40. Go one muscle belly laterally. In the same groove as BL-36. Part of the 3 amigos (BL 39, 40, KID10)

    Lower He-sea for triple heater.  Urinary dribbling, back pain, muscle spasms of rear limb. Incontinence
  65. BL-40, Bend Middle
    Giant hole at popliteal LN.  Center of popliteal crease, direct needle cranially, to patella. 

    He-sea point (earth), master point for caudal back/hips.  Dysuria, urinary incontinence, hip joint, back problems, autoimmune disease, vomiting, diarrhea
  66. BL-52, Will Chamber
    3 cun lateral to caudal border of dorsal spinous process of 2nd lumbar vertebrae at lateral border of longissimus, 1.5 cun lateral to BL-23

    Lateral association point for kidney, kidney yang/Qi deficiency.  Impotence, edema, urinary dribbling, back pain.  Good for euth and cats urinating everywhere
  67. BL-54, Sequential Limit
    In a depression dorsal to greater trochanter of the femur. Bowling Ball point - BL-54 is top, GB-29-30 are bottoms. Keep track of angle of femur--that is angle of triangle. 

    Master point for pelvic limb.  Paresis/paralysis of pelvic limbs, hip problems, perianal problems, lumbar pain. Hip dysplasia.
  68. BL-60, Mountains
    Bottom of back leg hole/divot, either side of the achilles tendon.  Point most distal on caudal border of tibia. Through and through is KID-3 (angle down). 

    Jing river point (fire), nose-bleeding, difficult labor, back pain, hock pain, headache, cervical stiffness, hypertension, epilepsy.  Aspirin point.
  69. BL-62, Extending vessel
    Flex the hock, depression below lateral malleolus (opposite KID-6).  A little more cranial that calcaneon, on the caudal side of the cranial bony prominence of the hock. 

    Confluent point to Yang-quia. Ataxia, wobbler's disease, back pain, pelvic limb weakness
  70. BL-64, Capital bone
    Bookend, just ventrolateral (SP-4 is on the other side). Lateral aspect of pelvic limb distal to base of 5th metatarsal.  

    Yuan (Source) point. Epilepsy, cervical and thoracolumbar IVDD, mental and emotional disorders
  71. BL-67, Terminal Yin
    Lateral aspect of nail bed of 5th digit of rear foot

    Jing-well point (metal), mother point for deficiency, nasal discharge/congestion, headache, difficulty in labor. Bleed to move Qi.
  72. KID-1, Gushing Spring
    Back hollow of tarsal pad from the back, poke UNDER pad, medially.  Between 3rd and 4th metatarsal bones

    Jing-well point (wood), son point for excess.  rear weakness, coma, sore throat, urinary dribbling, aphonia (loss of voice).
  73. KID-3, Great ravine
    In the thin, fleshy tissue between the medial malleolus and calcaneus level with the tip of the medial malleolus (opposite and slightly distal to BL-60). Medial, distal, caudal tibia

    Yuan (source) point for kidney. Shu-stream point (Earth). Renal failure, diabetes, dyspnea, deafness, ear problems, back pain, impotence, dysuria. All deficiencies.
  74. KID-6, Shining Sea
    Flat spot, medial, in front of achilles. With the hock flexed, the point is located in a depression immediately distal and plantar to the medial malleolus.  

    Confluent point to yin-qiao. Ataxia, genital itching. Yin deficiency, epilepsy, insomnia, constipation, dysuria, sore throat.
  75. KID-7, Recover Flow
    2 cun (there are 13 on inside, 16 on outside) up from the big bone at the base of the achilles (if there's a vessel, go there). 2 cun proximal to the tip of the medial malleolus on cr border of Achilles tendon.

    Jing-river point (metal), mother point for deficiency. Anhidrosis, diarrhea, edema, abdominal fullness, paralysis of pelvic limbs
  76. KID-10, Yin valley
    Medial side of popliteal fossa at the level of BL-40, between semimems and semitens. Like BL-39 but medial, I belly medial to BL-40.  Shallow fossa. The 3rd amigo. 

    He-sea point (water).  Impotence, hernia, dysuria, stifle pain.
  77. PC-3, elbow marsh
    Medial side of cubital crease, just caudal to the biceps tendon. On opposite side of biceps tendon from LU-5. 

    He-sea point (water). Palpitations, vomiting, diarrhea, febrile diseases, shoulder/elbow pain.  Resuscitation point in birds!  Will make a person pass out.
  78. PC-6, Inner Pass
    3 cun proximal to the transverse crease of the carpus in the groove between the flexor carpi radialis and the superficial digital flexor muscles in the interosseus space (opposite TH-5 on the lateral side). Bend the carpus, 3 cun on medial behind the big tendon. 

    Luo-connecting point, master point of chest/cranial abdomen.  Confluent point to yin-wei. Vomiting, anxiety, insomnia, headache, chest pain, palpitation, paralysis of forelimbs, epilepsy.  Anti-nausea, cardiac arrhythmias, car sickness.
  79. PC-7, great mound
    Medial thoracic limb, just proximal to radiocarpal bone and caudal to the tendon of the flexor carpi radialis muscle under the proximal and medial aspect of the accessory carpal pad. Just dorsomedial to carpal pad. 

    Shu-stream point (earth); yuan (source) point. Thoracic pain, vomiting, epilepsy, carpal pain and osteoarthritis, febrile diseases.
  80. PC-8, Palace of Toil
    Underneath large central pad between the 3rd and 4th metacarpal bones. 

    Ying-spring point (fire). Vomiting, epilepsy, stomatitis, ulceration in the mouth, halitosis, chest pain.
  81. PC-9, Central hub
    Medial aspect of the 4th digit at the nail bed (heart is 5th).  

    Jing-well point (wood).  Hyperactivity, Shen disturbance, anhidrosis, superficial tendon problem.
  82. TH-3, Central island.
    Dorsum of forefoot between 4th and 5th metacarpal bones, in the depression just proximal to the metacarpophalangeal joint. 

    Shu-stream point (wood).  Head-shaking, ear problems, febrile disease, local pain
  83. TH-4, Divergent yang
    Int he large lateral depression on the dorsolateral aspect of the radiocarpal joint, just lateral to the common digital extensor tendon. In the BEND, most lateral of 2 big holes on the dorsal carpus. 

    Yuan (source) point.  Carpal injury or pain, pharyngitis, daibetes mellitus
  84. TH-5, outer pass
    More cranial than the jedi tunnel, between bone and tendon, opposite PC-6, 3 cun above carpus between bones. Craniolateral forelimb in the interosseus space between the radius and ulna. Find TH-5 then look for PC-6. 

    Luo-connecting point. Confluent point to yang-wei. Paralysis of the forelimbs, headache, febrile diseases, red eyes, ear problems, neck pain, wei Qi deficiency
  85. TH-10, Celestial well
    In a depression on the triceps tendon, just proximal to the olecranon. JUST at the top of the olecranon = top of elbow. Tendon. 

    He-sea point (earth), son point for excess. Paralysis of thoracic limbs, sore throat, deafness, toothache
  86. TH-14, shoulder seam
    Fish lips on caudal acromion. Caudal distal acromion on caudal marin on acromial head of the deltoideus muscle. 

    pain in shoulder and thoracic limb
  87. TH-17, wind screen
    Giant hole under ear. Ventral to the ear in the depression between the mandible and the mastoid process

    Otitis, cervical stiffness, facial paralysis, swelling in the face.
  88. TH-21, Ear Gate
    Linear fossa in front of ear. Just over SI-19 (rostral to tragus).  Caudal border of mandible and dorsal to the condyloid process with the mouth open.

    Ear problems, dental diseases
  89. TH-23, Silk Bamboo Hole
    Int he depression on the rim of the orbit at the end of the eyebrow, if it were extended to the lateral canthus. On Bone. Along imaginary eyebrow at the edge of the orbit. 

    Eye problems, facial paralysis, dental diseases, encephalitis, epilepsy
  90. GB-1, Pupil Bone-Hole
    0.2 cun lateral to the lateral canthus in the depression over the rim of the orbit. 

    Eye problems, anhidrosis, colds, headache
  91. GB-14, Yang White
    Above mid-eyebrow (clown eye). On bone, not in a depression. Midpoint of pupil. In a depression on the frontal bone. 1 cun dorsal to the extended midpoint of the eyebrow at the end of the visible eyebrow. 

    Keratitis, conjunctivitis, uveitis
  92. GB-20, Wind Pond
    Base of skull, find occipital protuberance and all off both sides (near cerebellum).  "grab the 6-pack" - first fossa around the spine

    External wind, internal wind, cervical stiffness, headache, nose-bleeding, nasal discharge/congestion, epilepsy.  Wind is anything that shakes.  Tremors, itching, neck pain.
  93. GB-21, shoulder well
    in front of scapula, halfway. In the muscle just cranial to the edge of the scapula midway between GV-14 (dorsal midline between C7-T1) and the acromion.  

    Shoulder pain, paralysis of thoracic limbs, mastitis, difficult labor.  Neck pain. (GB20-21 for neck pain)
  94. GB-24, sun and moon
    9th intercostal space at the level of the costochondral jucntion (3 spaces caudal and slightly dorsal to LIV-14)

    • Front-mu (alarm) point for the gallbladder, the crossing point of the GB and SP channels; liver and gallbladder disorders, liver Qi stagnation. 
    • Aqua only, no dry.
  95. GB-25, Capital Gate
    Kidney belt (free edge of 13), where 13 stops. On the lateral side of the abdomen on the lower border of the free end of the 13th rib. 

    Front-mu (alarm) point for the kidney. Infertility, ovary disorders, lumbar pain, colic, impaction, kidney deficiency.  Alarm for ORGAN, not meridian.
  96. GB-29, Squatting Bone-hole
    Bowling ball cranial side (lower cranial corner of triangle). In a depression just cranial to the greater trochanter (one of the 3 bowling ball points around the head of the femur).  Smaller than you think.

    Gluteal muscle soreness, pelvic limb pain, arthritis of coxofemoral joint, paralysis of the pelvic limb.
  97. GB-30, Circular jump
    Depression midway between greater trochaner and the tuber ischii (bowling ball point, lower caudal triangle).  Smaller than you think. Fall off the ischium, forward. 

    Gluteal muscle soreness, pelvic limb pain, arthritis of coxofemoral joint, paralysis of pelvic limb
  98. GB-31, wind market
    Femur is 18cun, 2 cun below halfway down lateral femur ON the caudal edge of the femur.  Hug the femur, but in the groove. (between femur and biceps femoris, 7 cun proximal to the lateral femoral condyle)

    Skin ITCHING, paralysis of pelvic limbs, rear foot problems. (an shen and GB-31). Itching, wind, derm, foot chewing, compulsive chewing and licking
  99. GB-33, Knee yang gate
    Between the insertion of the biceps femoris tendon and the femur in a depression proximal to the lateral condyle of the femur. Find medial and lateral condyle, fall caudal.  Med is LIV-8, lat is GB-33. 

    Stifle problems
  100. GB-34, Yang tomb spring
    in the depression just distal and cranial to the head of the fibula on the lateral side of the pelvic limb.  Just cranioventral to head of fibula, fall off. Very lateral. Fibula is craniolateral, distal to stifle. Cranial to that in flare. 

    He-sea point (earth). Influential point for ligaments/tendons. Vomiting, biliary disorders, pelvic limb weakness, weakness of ligaments/tendons.  ACL, wind.
  101. GB-39, Hanging Bell
    longitudinal notch on caudal border of tibia at (below) the lateral saphenous. Lateral. The medial (opposite) point is SP-6. 3 cun proximal to the tip of the lateral malleolus in a depression on the caudal border of the fibula near where the lateral saphenous vein crosses. 

    Influential point for marrow/CNS. Cervical stiffness, paresis or paralysis of the pelvic limbs, anal problems, chest pain, sore throat
  102. GB-41, Tears on the Foot
    Same level as LIV-3 but at 4 and 5, at V (just above toes). On the dorsum of the pelvic limb paw just distal to the junction of the 4th and 5th metatarsals (on a line with LIV-3 located between the 2nd and 3rd metatarsals). 

    Shu-stream point (wood), confluent point to dai channel.  Pain in metatarsal region, flexor tendonitis, urinary incontinence, abnormal cycling, eye problems, mastitis
  103. LIV-2, Moving Between
    Lateral 2nd digit (between 2 and 3) distal to metatarsophalangeal joint IN THE WEBBING

    Ying-spring point (Fire).  Liver Yang rising, eye problems, abnormal cycling, headache.
  104. LIV-3, supreme surge
    Between 2nd and 3rd metatarsal bones (bet medial 2 toes), proximal to metatarsophalangeal.

    Shu-stream point (earth), Yuan (source) point. Liver Qi stagnation, abnormal cycle, paralysis of pelvic limbs.  (Gates of Qi with LI-4)
  105. LIV-8, Spring at the bend
    Medial knee at medial aspect of popliteal crease.  Make sure you're caudal to the FEMUR - femoral condyle (cranial to KID-10).  It's father back than you think--in the middle of the medial thigh, laying down. 

    He-sea (water) point.  Male and female repro disorders, uterine prolapse, genital pruritis, urinary incontinence, stifle pain.
  106. LIV-13, Gate of Symbol
    Later body, below free end of the 12th rib (where the spleen IS). 

    Front-mu (alarm) point for SPLEEN.  Influential for yin (zang) organs. Master point for viscera.  Abdominal fullness, colic, diarrhea, abdominal masses, muscle pain.
  107. LIV-14, Cycle Gate
    Depression of costochondral junction of the 6th intercostal space. 

    Front-mu (Alarm) point of Liver.  Hepatic disorders, mastitis, pleuritis, chest pain, muscle pain.
  108. CV-1, Yin meeting
    depression on the midline halfway between the anus and scrotum or vulva. 

    Perianal problems, dysuria, infertility, epilepsy.
  109. CV-3, Central pole
    • Ventral midline, 4 cun caudal to umbilicus. 
    • There are 5 cun between umbilicus and pelvic brim--spread out 6 fingers.  Fingers from caudal to cranial are 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8. 6 is between index and middle fingers on cranial hand. 

    Front-mu (alarm) point of bladder.  Dysuria, renal failure, impotence, hernia, genital itching.
  110. CV-4, Origin Pass
    • ventral midline, 3 cun caudal to umbilicus.  
    • There are 5 cun between umbilicus and pelvic brim--spread out 6 fingers.  Fingers from caudal to cranial are 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8. 6 is between index and middle fingers on cranial hand.

    Front-mu (alarm) point for SI.  Kidney Qi or Yang tonic, renal failure, impotence, hernia, colic, diarrhea, loss of body weight.
  111. CV-5, stone gate
    • ventral midline, 2 cun caudal to umbilicus. 
    • There are 5 cun between umbilicus and pelvic brim--spread out 6 fingers.  Fingers from caudal to cranial are 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8. 6 is between index and middle fingers on cranial hand. 

    Front-mu (alarm) point for TH.  Dysuria, edema, diarrhea, hernia, colic, genital discharge
  112. CV-6, Sea of Qi
    • ventral midline, 1.5 cun caudal to umbilicus.  
    • There are 5 cun between umbilicus and pelvic brim--spread out 6 fingers.  Fingers from caudal to cranial are 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8. 6 is between index and middle fingers on cranial hand. 

    Kidney Qi or Yang tonic, renal failure, impotence, hernia, colic, diarrhea, loss of body weight
  113. CV-12, Middle stomach
    Ventral midline, halfway between umbilicus (CV-8) and xiphoid process. 

    Influential point for Yang (fu) organs, front-mu (alarm) point for the stomach.  Gastric pain/ulcer, vomiting, regurgitation, diarrhea, jaundice
  114. CV-14, Great Palace
    ventral midline, halfway between CV 12 (halfway between umbilicus and xiphoid) and xiphoid.  So 3/4 of the way towards the xiphoid from the umbilicus. 

    Front-mu (alarm) point for heart, anxiety, palpitation, shen disturbance, vomiting, epilepsy.
  115. CV-17, Chest center
    Ventral midline in a depression at the level of the 4th intercostal space.  Biggest hole between the two front legs on midline when standing. 

    Front-mu (alarm) point for PC.  Influential point for Qi, dyspnea, cough, vomiting, diaphragm spasms, lack of milk, chest pain.
  116. CV-22, Celestial chimney
    Ventral midline, tip of manubrium (Right on it). 

    Cough, asthma, dyspnea, sore throat, thyroid problem, diaphragm spasm, chest pain.
  117. CV-24, receiving saliva
    Lower lip on the midline, 1 cun ventral to the rim of the lower lip. (chin center, usually where the black ends).  1 cun blow lip. Aqua so they don't eat the needle.

    Facial paralysis, hypersalivation, mania, behavioral problems.
  118. GV-1, long strong
    depression on dorsal midline, halfway between anus and base of tail. 

    Luo-connecting point for CV. Diarrha, constipation, perianal problems, epilepsy.
  119. GV-3, yang pass
    variable location.  Largest depression located between the dorsal processes of L4-L5, L5-L6 or L6-L7.  Big hole before the wings of the ilium, it can MOVE.  

    Yang deficiency, impotence, infertility, paralysis of pelvic limbs.
  120. GV-4, Life Gate
    On dorsal midline, between dorsal spinous processes of the 2nd and 3rd lumbar vertebrae.  Follow the last rib straight up.  

    Impotence, infertility, diarrhea, abnormal estrus, back pain, yang deficiency.
  121. GV-14, Big vertebra
    In the depression on the dorsal midline between the C7-T1 dorsal spinous processes. Follow cranial border of scapula straight up (Top is T2).  Look for the space (first bone you feel is T1).  Move the neck or push on the sternum if you need to.  

    High fever, cough, asthma, false heat, cervical stiffness, hives, epilepsy.
  122. GV-17, Brain's Door
    • = Tian men/gate of heaven
    • Depression on the dorsal midline on a line drawn from the caudal (trailing) edge of the ears, just proximal to the occipital protuberance).   Caudal edge of ear, on top of occipital crest. 

    Cervical stiffness, epilepsy, aphonia (loss of voice)
  123. GV-20, Hundred meetings
    dorsal midline, level with the center of the ear CANALS.

    Calming point, Shen disturbance, headache, epilepsy, prolapse of anus.
  124. GV-21, Before the Vertex
    Depression on the dorsal midline, between cranial edge of ears. 

    Headache, hypertension, nasal discharge/congestion, epilepsy
  125. GV-26, Human center
    In the philtrum (vertical line on upper lip between nostrils) at the level of the ventral limits of the nostrils in the non-haired skin.  

    Coma, facial paralysis, mania, back pain, IVDD.
  126. Tian-men, Gate of heaven
    caudal rim of ear bases on the dorsal midline (GV-17).  The star on the christmas tree. 

    Seizures, loss of voice, dizziness
  127. Da-feng-men, Great wind gate
    Cranial rim/front of ear bases on midline.  

    Calm mind, internal wind, seizures, tremors, headache, vertigo, nasal congestion.
  128. Nao-shu, brain association point
    Over the temporalis muscles 1/3 of the way along the line between the cranial ear base to the lateral canthus of the eye (the temple). 

    Seizures and shen disturbances
  129. Long-hui, Meeting of dragons
    Midpoint between the two temporal fossas at the level of the eyebrows.  "third eye".  

    Seizures and nasal congestion
  130. An-shen, pacify shen
    Midway between dorsal and ventral borders of ear base, large depression halfway between GB-20 and TH-17. BIG pit behind ears. 

    Calm shen, external wind, internal wind, stiff neck, headache, nose bleed, nasal congestion, facial paralysis, otitis, deafness
  131. Tai-Yang, great Yang
    1 cun caudal to lateral canthus, dorsal to zygomatic arch.   At temporal fossa-ish, lateral to TH-23.  

    Headache, facial paralysis, conjunctivitis, other acute eye problems.
  132. Shan-gen, Mountain base
    Nose, dorsal midline at the junction of the haired and non-haired region. 

    Appetite stimulant, shock, coma, wind-cold, wind-heat.
  133. Jian-wei, strengthen stomach
    • "john wayne", knots his bandana at the throat.  
    • On the lateral cervical between jugular and transverse process of cervical vertebrae at the junction of the upper and middle 1/3 of the jugular groove.  Where hair crosses. 

    Appetite stimulant, vomiting, stomach disorders
  134. Bi-tong, nose passing
    midpoint between LI-20 (nose) and BL-1 (medial canthus).  Lateral bridge of the nose (breathe right strips)

    Nasal congestion, sinusitis, facial paralysis
  135. Shang-guan, upper joint.  GB-3.
    • "s before x" (xia-guan = lower joint)
    • In the depression (open the mouth) at the caudal edge of the TMJ, caudal to the masseter muscles, dorsal to the zygomatic arch and ST-7.  TOP curve of z arch, just below Nao-shu

    Crossing point of GB and ST.  Dental pain, mandible pain, facial paralysis, headache, head shaking.
  136. Xia-guan, lower joint.  ST-7
    • "s before x" (shang-guan = upper joint)
    • Caudal to the masseter muscle and cranial to the TMH.

    Dental pain, mandible pain, facial paralysis, headache, head shaking
  137. Er-jian, ear tip
    Convex surface of the ear at the angular vein at ear tip

    Fever, wind-heat, heat, abdominal pain
  138. Jing-jia-ji, cervical hua-tuo-jia-ji
    Just above and below lateral vertebral processes at the level of intervertebral spaces of C1-2, 2-3, 3-4, 4-5, 5-6, 6-7, C7-T1 (7 pairs of acupoints on each side of the neck).  Start at atlas, feel low on neck (hard to feel). 

    Cervical stiffness and wobbler's disease
  139. Ding-chuan, stop cough
    0.5 cun lateral to GV-14.  Lift head, where the neck doesn't move.  Just outside the C7-T1 junction.

    Cough, asthma.
  140. Tian-ping, scale
    between T13-L1 on dorsal midline.  The teeter-totter of the body. Follow the CURVE of the last rib up to T13, back to L1. 

    Stop hemorrhage internally, hematuria, castration, spay bleeding
  141. Bai-hui, hundred meetings
    • hundred because cauda equina
    • Between L7-S1 on dorsal midline.  Wings of Ilium are L7, fall back into the big hole. Makes the crossbar in the middle of the "H" of the 3 shen brothers. (PB&J)

    Yang deficiency, diarrhea, constipation, IVDD, pelvic limb paresis or paralysis (PB&J/shen brothers are all the same)
  142. Shen-shu, kidney association point
    1 cun lateral to bai-hui.  Fall inside the wings of ilium, lumbosacral space.  Sides of the crossbar of the "H" of the shen brothers (PB&J)

    Source Qi, Kidney Qi/Yang deficiency, diarrhea, constipation, IVDD, pelvic limb paresis or paralysis (PB&J are all the same)
  143. Shen-peng, kidney shelf
    1 cun cranial to shen shu, 1 cun lateral and cranial to bai hui (LS space).  Top of the "H" of the shen brothers (PB&J)

    Yang deficiency, diarrhea, constipation, IVDD, pelvic limb paresis or paralysis (PB&J are all the same)
  144. Shen-jiao, kidney corner
    1 cun caudal to shen shu, 1 cun lateral and cranial to bai hui (LS space).  Bottom of the "H" of the shen brothers (PB&J)

    Yang deficiency, diarrhea, constipation, IVDD, pelvic limb paresis or paralysis (PB&J are all the same)
  145. wei-jie, tail vertebrae
    • "wedgie"
    • between Cd-1 and Cd-2 on dorsal midline. MOVE the tail!  Cd-2 is the first mobile one. 

    Lumbosacral mutilation, fecal and urinary incontinence, tail paralysis
  146. wei-jian, tail tip.  AKA GV-1 B
    • tip of the tail.  
    • paralysis of the tail, pelvic limb weakness
  147. Hua-tuo-jiaji, Hua-tuo's paravertebral points
    between the vertebral bodies of T1-L7, 0.5 cun from midline, 1 cun medial to inner bladder channel points (19 points of each side of back).  Just inside bladder meridian, along side of each vertebrae.

    IVDD, back pain
  148. Er-yan, two eyes sacral foramina
    in the pelvic sacral foramina 2 pairs of bilateral points.  4 points, 2 on each side. Find LS, S1 and S1 (0.5 cun off).  Shallow and hard to feel, below the shen brothers. 

    Lumbosacral pain, pelvic limb paresis, infertility, metritis
  149. Fei-men, lung gate
    1/3 of the way along the cranial border of the scapula from dorsal to ventral (looks dorsal, close to GV 21).  Opposite fei-pan

    Bone steaming (diskospondylitis)
  150. Fei-pan, lung hugging
    1/3 of the way along the CAUDAL border of the scapula, looks more ventral. Opposite Fei-men. 

    Shoulder, thoracic limb lameness or paralysis, lung disorders, bone steaming (diskospondylitis)
  151. zhou-shu, elbow association point
    between the lateral humoral condyle and the anconeal process (opposite SI-8 on medial side).  LATERAL side of elbow. 

    Elbow lameness, ulnar nerve paralysis
  152. Jian-jiao, coxa angle
    In the depression just ventral to the dorsal border of the wing of the ilium.  Find the wing of ilium and fall laterally.  "cup".  Opposite shen-shu, outside pelvis. 

    Hip problems, pelvic limb lameness, paresis and paralysis
  153. Liu-feng, six raphes
    Between the digits in skin folds - 3 points on each foot (6 points rear limbs, 6 points thoracic).  Insert needle through webbing and dorsal to the metacarpophalangeal/metatarsophalangeal joints (between each toe on foot, needle into webbing and across.  ONLY for paralyzed, irritates the periosteum.  

    Paresis, paralysis
  154. Master point for pain, Qi, face, and mouth
  155. Master point for head and neck
  156. Master point for chest and cranial abdomen
  157. Master point for forelimb
  158. Master point for back and hips
  159. Master point for hind limb
  160. Master point for GI, abdomen, weakness
  161. Master point for caudal abdomen, uterus, urogenital tract
  162. Influential point for Zang organs
    • LIV-13
    • Spleen front-mu
  163. Influential point for fu organs
    • CV-12
    • ST front-mu
  164. Influential point for Qi
    • CV-17
    • PC front mu
  165. Influential point for Blood
    BL 17
  166. Influential point for Tendon
    GB 34  (BG He sea)
  167. Influential point for pulse/vessels
    • LU-9
    • lung yuan source point
  168. Influential pont for Bone
  169. Influential point for marrow/SC
  170. Influential point for Phlegm/tumor/mass
  171. Influential point for wind/trachea
  172. Lower He Sea for  LI, SI, TH
    • LI: ST 37
    • SI: ST 39
    • TH: BL 39
  173. Five treasures
    Qi, Shen, Jing, Blood, Body Fluids
  174. 8 extraordinary channels
    • Du (GV, Dorsal)
    • Ren (CV, ventral)
    • Chong (penetrating, parallel to KID)
    • Dai (girdle, lumbar)
    • yang-qiao (motility of lateral hind limb)
    • yin qiao (motility of medial hind limb)
    • yang wei (lateral stifle, shoulder)
    • yin wei (medial hind limb, neck)
  175. 5 levels (bubble chart) names and what they're used for
    • Jing well - mental
    • ying spring - heat clear
    • shu stream - pain
    • jing river - lung
    • he sea - failure
  176. Pulse: thin, tight, slippery, choppy, wiry, soggy
    • thin: blood/yin deficiency
    • tight: stagnation/pain
    • slippery: damp/phlegm
    • choppy: blood stagnation
    • wiry: liver Qi stagnation
    • soggy: superficial, thready.  Spleen Qi deficiency or damp
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Chi points
chi acupuncture points