HOTA standard 2

  1. Democracy
    a form of government were the supreme power is with the people
  2. Republic
    a state or nation where the ruler is not a monarch or another who rules by birth
  3. Monarchy
    a state or nation where the supreme power rests with the monarch
  4. Limited Government
    a type of government where its power and functions are restricted and regulated by law
  5. Magna Carta
    the "great charter" of English liberties, forced on King John by barons in 1215
  6. English Bill of Rights
    bill passed by Parliment in 1689 which gave certain rights to all people
  7. John Locke
    English philospher who came up with many ideas that formed the basis of the Constitution
  8. natural rights
    a political theory that all individuals have the same basic rights granted them by God or nature
  9. social contract theory
    republican theory in which people give up some rights to the government in order to preserve order
  10. mercantilism
    commercialism, gain wealth through exports and less imports
  11. The French and Indian War
    a series of wars between the British and the French, along with thier indian allies
  12. Proclamation of 1763
    law passed at the end of the French and Indian War that prevented colonists from settling west of the Apalachin mountians
  13. Quarting Act
    law passed in 1765 that forced the colonists to provide the basic needs for the British troops stationed in America
  14. Stamp Act
    passed in 1765, placed a tax on all documents, when paid documents would receive a stamp
  15. "No Taxation Without Representation"
    colonists rally cry, believed since they had no representative in Parliament to speak for them that they should not be taxed
  16. Declaratory Act
    law passed in 1766 after Stamp Act was repealed, gave Parliament the power to govern and make taxes for the colonies
  17. Townshend Acts
    new series of laws that passed taxes on paint, lead, paper,tea, and glass
  18. Boston Tea Party
    1776 - Boston colonists dressed as Indians boarded three ships in Boston Harbor and dumped several hundred chests of tea into the harbor in retaliation for the tax on tea
  19. Coercive Acts
    Series of laws passed to punish Mass. for the Boston Tea Party - also known as intolerable acts
  20. Intolerable Acts
    coercive acts - series of laws passes to punish Mass. for Boston tea party, included closing Boston
  21. First Continental Congress
    collection fo delegates from all colonies except GA, met in 1774 to decide response to Intolerable Acts
  22. Second Continental Congress
    convention of representatives from all colonies that met in 1775, after shots of Revolution, that managed the war effort
  23. Declaration of Independance
    the document signed by the Second Continental Congress on July 4, 1776 that declared the colonies free from the rule of England
  24. George Washington
    United States political leader and general who later became the first President of the country
  25. The Battle of Saratoga
    Battle of the American Revolution taking place in New York colony in 1777 where British troops surrendered to American troops - later causing France and Spain to wage war on Britian
  26. Battle of Yorktown
    1781 battle between the American, their French allies, against the British were the Americans again won
  27. Egalitarianism
    belief in the equality of all people
  28. State Constitutions
    documents that after the revolution took the place of the royal charters
  29. French Revolution
    revolution that began in 1789 to overthrow the absolute monarchy
  30. Articles of the Confederation
    type of "first Constitution" drafted in 1777 during the Revolutionary War
  31. Shay's Rebellion
    an armed uprising in Massachusettes of poor farmers angered by the rising taxes
  32. the virginia Plan
    idea proposed by James Madison at the Philedelphia convention that coined the idea of representation for states based on population
  33. New Jersey Plan
    plan proposed in response to the virgina plan for a government with equal representation so all states had equal representation
  34. the Great Compromise
    plan accepted in 1787 that was a combination of the Virginia and the New Jersey plans, proposed a bi-cameral legislature with one based on population and the other house of equal representation
  35. 3/5 Compromise
    compromise reached between Northern and Southern states at the Philidelphia Convention were 3/5 of the population of slaves would be counted when determining the population of a state
  36. Slave trade Compromise
    made in 1787 - slave trade would continue for 20 years after and then national government could ban
  37. Bill of Rights
    collection of the first ten amendments to the Constitution proposed in 1789 that guaranteed basic rights and liberties
  38. Federalists
    member of the Federalist political party
  39. Anti-federalist
    supporter of the anti-federalist political party
  40. Strict Interpretation
    belief in the fact that the federal government has only the powers specifically granted it by the constitution
  41. Loose Interpretation
    the belief in the fact that the federal government has all the powers on specifically denied it by the Constitution
  42. Federalist Papers
    series of essays supporting the ratification of the US Constitution written by James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, and John Jay
  43. Alexander Hamilton
    one of the lesser known founding fathers who later served as the first Secretary of the Treasury
  44. Thomas Jefferson
    third President of the US, clashed with Hamilton, strong believer in human rights, main drafter of Declaration of Independance
  45. Whiskey Rebellion
    uprising in Pennsylvania in 1794 due to high tax on whiskey
  46. Political Parties
    political organization that seeks to hold power in a government and supports certain views
  47. Democratic-Republican
    founded in 1792, also known as the Jefferson-Republican party, opposed the Federalist Party
  48. Naturalization Act
    passed in 1798, increased the amount of time it took for immigrants to become citizens from five to fourteen years, later repeled
  49. Alien Act
    gave federal government authority to deport aliens that threatened national security
  50. Sedition Act
    law that forbid the unloyal or bad talk about the US
  51. Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions
    political statements where VIrginia and Kentucky refused to abide by the Alien and Sedition Acts since they believed them to be unconstitutional
  52. Doctrine of Nullification
    stated that individual states had the right to declare null and void laws that were unconstitutional
  53. Popular Soveignty
    allowed settlers to decide if their territories would be slave or free
  54. Separation of Powers
    legislative, judicial, and executive branches of government are kept separate so each can check the other and prevent abuse of power
  55. Checks and Balances
    system like separation of power where each branch can check the others from getting too powerful
  56. federalism
    being in favor of a strong central government
  57. Delegated Powers
    the powers of Congress expressly given in the Constitution
  58. Reserved Powers
    powers reserved for the people, not the federal government
  59. Concurrent Powers
    powers held by both the state and federal govenment
  60. Article 1
    part of the Constitution, states the powers of Congress
  61. Article 2
    part of the Constitution, creates and gives the executive branch of the federal government it's power
  62. Article 3
    creates and gives power to the judicial branch of the federal govenment
  63. House of Representatives
    lower part of the Legislative Branch of the Federal government
  64. Senate
    the higher part of the Legislative Branch of the Federal government
  65. Electoral College
    group of people who elect the President
  66. Impeach
    to challenge the honesty of an elected official
  67. Judiciary Act of 1789
    created lower courts under the Supreme Court
  68. Midnight Judges
    all judges appointed in a single Act by John Adams were given this name because he appointed them late the night before his predecessor came into office
  69. Marbury v. Madisn
    court case that enables Supreme Court to veto acts of Congress that were un constitutional
Card Set
HOTA standard 2
terms and definitions for History of the Americas