Shoulder Spec Tests

  1. Rockwood Test: Anterior Instability
    • pt sitting, RMT behind
    • Middle finger on humeral head, index on coracoid process
    • ABD shoulder to 45 degrees, EXT ROT and EXT shoulder
    • Palpate humeral head for anterior movement
    • + Increased Ant movement
    • + Apprehension
    • + Pain
  2. Feagin: Inferior Instability
    • pt sitting, examiner kneeling at pt side
    • Support pt arm on examiner's shoulder, do Inf Glide + slight Ant glide
    • + Increased Inf movement
    • + Apprehension
    • + Pain
  3. Pull-Pushl: Posterior Instability
    • pt supine, examiner holds arm at elbow, with other hand @ proximal Humerus
    • Move pt arm into scapular plane (90 ABD, 30 H-ADD)
    • Distract @ elbow, plus Post glide @ GH
    • + more than 50% translation
    • + Apprehension
  4. Upper Limb Tension Tests
  5. Neer's Impingement Test
    • pt seated
    • Stabilize GH jt
    • Int Rot GH jt
    • Passively Flex/ABD into scapular plane, forcibly to endpoint
    • + Pain
  6. Impingement Syndrome Test: Hawkins Kenedy
    • pt seated
    • Passively Flex shoulder to 90 with elbow bent
    • Then passive Int Rot (driving greater tubercle into arch)
    • + Pain
  7. Speeds Test: Bicipital Tendonitis
    • pt sitting, RMT palps @ bicipital tendon
    • Shoulder FLEX to 90 degrees, palm up
    • Push down on arm while pt resists with eccentric contraction
    • + Pain in bicipital groove
  8. Drop Arm Test (Codman's)
    • pt seated
    • Passively ABD arm to 90, ask pt to hold there
    • pt slowly lowers arm to side in a controlled fashion
    • + Pain
    • + Inability to do it slowly
    • = Usually superspinatus, or Rotator cuff tear
  9. Provocative Elevation Test: Vascular Insufficiency
    • pt seated
    • Elevate both arms over head
    • pt opens/closes hands 15 times
    • + Tingling or Cramping
  10. Halsteads: TOS
    • pt seated
    • Find radial pulse, extend arm
    • pt looks away and extends neck
    • + pulse disappears
  11. Empty Can Test: Supraspinatus Pathologies
    • pt standing or seated
    • pt actively ABD arms to 90 degrees
    • Therapist adds resistance
    • + Pain
    • pt actively bring arms into scapular plane
    • pt "empties can" with Int Rot
    • Therapist adds resistance
    • + Pain
  12. Yergason Test
    • pt sitting, arm @ side, elbow flexed
    • Stabilize elbow, resist @ wrist
    • Resist while pt does SUP and LAT ROT
    • + Pain, and Biceps tendon will pop out of groove
  13. Adson Test: TOS
    • pt seated
    • Locate radial pulse
    • pt looks towards test shoulder, then EXT neck
    • Therapist laterally rotates shoulder
    • pt takes deep breath in, Holds
    • + Radial pulse disappears
Card Set
Shoulder Spec Tests
Regional Orthopedics Special Tests