Quiz cards

  1. Name the food groups
    • 1. Grains
    • 2. Fruits
    • 3. Vegetables
    • 4. Fats and oils
    • 5 Dairy
    • 6. Meat
  2. What is the suggested number of servings for vegetables each day?
    5 servings
  3. What is the suggested number of servings for dairy each day?
    4 servings
  4. What should you look for on the nutrition label? (6 items)
    • 1. calories
    • 2. carbohydrates
    • 3. protein
    • 4. sodium
    • 5. fat
    • 6. cholesterol
  5. List three healthy snack foods.
    • 1. raisins
    • 2. apples
    • 3. popcorn
  6. List three reasons why breakfast is so important.
    • 1. Concentration
    • 2. Attention span
    • 3. Do better on testing
  7. What four foods should be included in a healthy breakfast?
    • 1. Grains
    • 2. Milk
    • 3. Fruit juice/fruit
    • 4. Eggs/cheese
  8. What does it mean to be healthy? (6 items)
    • 1. Not sick
    • 2. socially healthy
    • 3. spiritually healthy
    • 4. enjoy family
    • 5. helping others
    • 6. wise decisions
  9. What can you do to keep yourself healthy spiritually?
    Read bible, pray, worship
  10. What can you do to keep yourself healthy socially?
    make friends, work together, give and receive help
  11. What can you do to keep yourself healthy physically?
    Be active, healthy diet, enough sleep
Card Set
Quiz cards
5th grade nutrition quiz