Common Presctiptive Abbreviations and Symbol

  1. put pic
    Meaning ----> before Latin ---> ante
  2. a.c.
    Meaning ----> before meals Latin ---> ante cibum
  3. a.m.
    Meaning ----> before noon Latin ---> ante meridiem
  4. b.i.d.
    Meaning ----> twice a day Latin ---> bis in die
  5. d
    Meaning ----> day Latin --->
  6. h
    Meaning ----> hour Latin ---> hora
  7. h.s.
    Meaning ----> at the hour of sleep (bedtime) [spell out bedtime] hora somni Latin --->
  8. noc.
    Meaning ----> night Latin ---> noctis
  9. put pic
    Meaning ----> after Latin ---> post
  10. p.c.
    Meaning ----> after meals Latin ---> post cibum
  11. p.m.
    Meaning ----> after noon Latin ---> post meridiem
  12. p.r.n.
    Meaning ----> as needed Latin ---> pro re nata
  13. q
    Meaning ----> every Latin ---> quaque
  14. q.d. (*)
    Meaning ----> every day [NEVER USE: spell out every day or daily] Latin ---> quoque die
  15. qh
    Meaning ----> every hour Latin ---> quaque hora
  16. q2h
    Meaning ----> every 2 hours Latin --->
  17. q.i.d.
    Meaning ----> four times a day Latin ---> quarter in die
  18. q.o.d. (*)
    Meaning ----> every other day [NEVER USE: spell out every other day] Latin ---> quaque altera die
  19. STAT
    Meaning ----> immediately Latin ---> statim
  20. t.i.d.
    Meaning ----> three times a day Latin ---> ter in die
  21. wk
    Meaning ----> week Latin --->
  22. yr
    Meaning ----> year Latin --->
  23. AD
    Meaning ----> right ear [spell out right ear] Latin ---> auris dextra
  24. ad lib.
    Meaning ----> as desired Latin ---> ad libitum
  25. amt
    Meaning ----> amount Latin --->
  26. aq
    Meaning ----> water Latin ---> aqua
  27. AS
    Meaning ----> left ear [spell out left ear] Latin ---> auris sinistra
  28. AU
    Meaning ----> both ears [spell out both ears] Latin ---> auris utraque
  29. put pic
    Meaning ----> with Latin ---> cum
  30. NPO
    Meaning ----> nothing by mouth Latin ---> nil per os
  31. OD
    Meaning ----> right eye [spell out right eye] Latin ---> oculus dexter
  32. OS
    Meaning ----> left eye [spell out left eye] Latin ---> oculus sinister
  33. OU
    Meaning ----> both eyes [spell out both eyes] Latin ---> oculus uterque
  34. per
    Meaning ----> by or through Latin --->
  35. p.o.
    Meaning ----> by mouth Latin ---> per os
  36. PR
    Meaning ----> through rectum Latin ---> per rectum
  37. PV
    Meaning ----> through vagina Latin ---> per vagina
  38. Rx
    Meaning ----> recipe; prescription Latin --->
  39. put pic
    Meaning ----> without Latin ---> sine
  40. Sig
    Meaning ----> label; instruction to the patient Latin ---> signa
  41. put pic
    Meaning ----> one-half [spell out one-half or use 1/2] Latin ---> semis
  42. wa
    Meaning ----> while awake Latin --->
  43. x
    Meaning ----> times or for; x6 means six times while x2d means for two days Latin --->
  44. >
    Meaning ----> greater than [spell out greater than] Latin --->
  45. <
    Meaning ----> less than [spell out less than] Latin --->
  46. put pic
    Meaning ----> one (modified lowercase Roman numeral i) Latin --->
  47. put pic
    Meaning ----> two (modified lowercase Roman numeral ii) Latin --->
  48. put pic
    Meaning ----> three (modified lowercase Roman numeral iii) Latin --->
  49. put pic
    Meaning ----> four (modified lowercase Roman numeral iv) Latin --->
  50. I; II; III; IV; V; VI; VII; VIII; IX; X
    Meaning ----> uppercase Roman numerals from 1 to 10 Latin --->
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Common Presctiptive Abbreviations and Symbol
Common Presctiptive Abbreviations and Symbol