Chapter 2 nutrition

  1. What diet - planning principle calls for eating different foods from within the same food group?
  2. A measure of the nutrients a food provides relative to the energy it provides is known as ________ .
    Nutrient density
  3. Ranking foods based on their nutrient composition is known as ________ .
    nutrient profiling
  4. Four of the following eating patterns adhere to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans. Which pattern is the exception?
    A healthy diet includes drinking alcohol in moderation.
  5. A food product that is high in fiber with all of its nutrients retained in the food product can be described as a(n) ________ .
    Whole - grain food
  6. How many cups would be needed to meet the dietary recommendations for the fruit group on a daily basis for an individual on a 2000 - kcal diet?
    2 cups per day
  7. A food that is labeled as being "fat free" is best described as containing ________ .
    Less than .5 grams of fat per serving
  8. Current food labels must present the "% Daily Value" for vitamins _____, but for the proposed new food labels these will be optional.
    A and C
  9. What food serving is equivalent to 1 ounce of grains?
    .5 Cup of cooked rice
  10. A food that provides 15% of the Daily Value of a given nutrient per serving is considered to be a(n) ________ .
    Good Source
  11. Which statement applies to the health status of vegetarians on average?
    They have a lower rate of cancer
  12. What is the estimated energy need for a sedentary female who is 19 to 30 years old?
    2000 kcal/day
  13. What food quantity provides the equivalent of 1 teaspoon of oil?
    1 tablespoon of low fat mayonnaise
  14. Four of the following food items are members of the vegetable food group that cannot be counted toward any other food groups. Which is the exception?
  15. What fat measurement corresponds to low - fat ice cream?
    3 grams or less per serving
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Chapter 2 nutrition