Nutrition Part 2

  1. functions of water
    • Transport
    • Structural support
    • Participates in metabolic reactions
    • Solvent
    • Lubricant
    • Body temperature regulation
    • Maintains blood volume
  2. Fluid between the cells
  3. Fluid within the cell
  4. fluid within the blood vessels
  5. regulate flow of fluids and ions
  6. when 1-2 percent of body weight is lost due to dehydration, symptom such as can occure
    Thirst, fatigue, weakness, vague discomfor, loss of appetite
  7. when 3-4 percent of body weight is lost due to dehydration, symptom such as can occure
    Impaired physical performance, dry mouth, reduction in urine, flushed skin, impatience, apathy
  8. when 5-6 percent of body weight is lost due to dehydration, symptom such as can occure
    Difficulty in concentrating, headache, irritability, leepine, impaired temperature,regulation, increaed respiartory rate
  9. When 7-10 percent of body weight is lost due to dehydration, symptoms such as, can occure
    dizziness, spastic muscle, loss of balance, delirium, exhaution, collape
  10. calculation for water need
    • .5 cups per 100 kcal expended
    • athletes .75
    • 1 cup = 125 ml
  11. Oral rehydration thereapy
    • half tsp of salt
    • 2 Tbsp of sugar
    • 1 L clean water
  12. needed in the diet in amounts greater than 100 mg per day or are present in the body i amounts greater than 0.01 percent of body weight
    Major Minerals
  13. are required in the diet in amounts less than 100 mg per day or are present in the body in amounts less than 0.01 percent of body weight
    Trace Minerals
  14. the most abundant mineral in the body
    consists of 1-2 percent of adult body weight
  15. provides the structure to bones and teeth and has important regulatory roles
  16. affects over 33 percent of american 
    Sodium restriction does decrease BP slightly
  17. minimum requirement for adults (Sodium)
    500 Mg per day
  18. Principal intracellular cation 
    Maintains normal fluid and electrolyte balance
    Facilitates many reaction
    Supports cell integrity
    Assists in nerve impulse transmission and muscle contractions
  19. Sources of Potassium
    • All whole foods
    • meat, milk, fruit, vegatables, grains, legumes
  20. Magnesium RDA and functions
    • 310 to 400 mg per day
    • Bone mineralization, building of protein, enzyme action, normal muscle contraction, nerve impulse transmission, maintenance of teeth and functioning of immune system
  21. Functions of iron in the body
    • Part of the protein hemoglobin, which carries oxygen in the blood
    • Par of the protein myoglobin in muscles, which makes oxygen available for muscle contraction
    • Necessary for the utilization of energy as part of the cells metabolic machinery 
    • Cofactor to enzymes involved in oxidation-reduction reactions
  22. RDA for Iron
    • Men 8 mg per day
    • women 19-50 18 mg per day
  23. who is most at risk for Iron deficiency
    • Women in their reproductive years
    • Pregnant women
    • Infants and young children
    • Teenagers
  24. functions of zinc in the body
    • Par of many enzymes-especially metalloenzymes
    • Associated with the hormone insulin
    • Involved in making genetic material and proteins, immune reactions, transport of vitamin A, taste perception, wound healing, the making of sperm, and the normal development of the fetus
  25. Zinc Deficiency Symptoms
    Growth retardation, delayed sexual maturation, impaired immune function, hair loss, eye and skin lesions, loss of appetite
  26. Sources of Zinc
    • Protein-containing foods
    • Red meats, shellfish
    • Whole grains
  27. RDA of iodine
    150 micrograms a day
  28. functions of Iodine
    A comonent of two thyroid hormones that help to regulate growth, development, and metabolic rate
  29. Deficiency disease
    • Simple goiter
    • cretinism
  30. Significant sources of flouride
    Drinking flouride containing water
  31. Deficiency symptoms
    Susceptibility to tooth decay
  32. Toxicity of Flouride
    Fluorosis (pitting and discoloration of teeth)
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Nutrition Part 2