
  1. Aphasia
    - Deficit in language comprehension/production from brain damage(left hemisphere)
  2. Apraxia
    - Difficulty performing movements out of context (left hemisphere)
  3. Corpus Callosum-
    • Major connector between hemispheres
    • -Split brain when cut
  4. Massa Intermedia
    - Connects 2 sides of thalamus
  5. Anterior Commissure-
    Connects 2 temporal lobes
  6. Split brain patients
    • -Left: Language tasks, learning where rule finding/context matters
    • -Right: Spatial ability, emotion perception, musical ability, 2D/3D
  7. Analytic synthetic theory-
    Analytic (left), synthetic (right)-untestable
  8. Motor Theory-
    Fine movements like speech (left),
  9. Linguistic Theory-
    Language (left), Others grouped around that
  10. Wernicke-Geschwind Model
    • -Left hemisphere- Brocas (Primary Motor Cortex)Language production
    • -Damage=Deficit in speech production (expressive aphasia). Normal comprehension/speech awkward
  11. (receptive aphasia)
    • Damage to Wernicke's area produces deficits in comprehension of speech
    • ● Patients produce a meaningless “word salad”
  12. (Expressive aphasia)
    • Damage to Broca's area produces deficits in speech production
    • ● The patient has normal comprehension, and their speech is meaningful but awkward
  13. (conduction aphasia)
    Damage to Arcuate fasciculus (connects broca /wernicke)– inability to repeat
  14. alexia and agraphia
    Damage to Left Angular Gyrus

    • Alexia- (inability to read)
    • Agraphia- (inability to write)
  15. Anterior damage
    = expressive deficits
  16. Posterior damage
    =receptive deficits
Card Set
psych language