Epthelial Tissues Lab Quiz

  1. Structure is a single layer of flat, hexagonal cells.
    Simple Squamous
  2. In the structure the nuclei appear as bumps because cells are flat.
    Simple Squamous
  3. Function is diffusion, filitration and some secretion and protection against friction.
    Simple Squamous
  4. Location in lining of blood cessels and heart, alveoli of lungs and serous membranes of body cavities.
    Simple Squamous
  5. Structure is a single layer of cube shaped cells.
    Simple Cubodial
  6. Fuctions are active transport and faciliated diffusion resulting in secretion and absorbation by cells of kidney tubes.
    Simple Cubodial
  7. Loctaion is in kidney tubules and the surface of the ovaries.
    Simple Cubodial
  8. Structure is a single layer of tall, narrow cells.
    Simple Columnar
  9. Function involves the movement of particles out of the bronchioles of the lungs by ciliated cells.
    Simple Columnar
  10. Location includes bronchioles of lungs, uterus, stomach, intestines.
    Simple Columnar
  11. Structure includes a single layer of cells. Some tall and thin and reach free surface while others do not.
  12. Structure has the nuclei at different levels. Almost always ciliated.
  13. Function includes synthesize and secrete mucous onto free surface and move foreign paricles over surface.
  14. Location is in the nasal cavity, trachea, and pharynx.
  15. Structure in cludes several layers of cuboidal cells in the basement layer but flattened toward the surface.
    Stratified Squamous
  16. Functions include a prptecting against abrasion, barrier against infection, and reduces loss of water from the body.
    Stratified Squamous
  17. Locations include outer layer of the skin, throat, mouth, and esophagus.
    Stratified Squamous
  18. Structure is stratified cells that appear cubodial with not stretched and squamous when stretched.
  19. Functions are to accommodate fluctuations in the volume of flid in an organ or tube.
  20. Locations include bladder and uterers.
  21. Image Upload 2
    Simple Squamous
  22. Image Upload 4
    Stratified Squamous
  23. Image Upload 6
    Simple Cubodial
  24. Image Upload 8
    Stratified Transitional
  25. Image Upload 10
    Simple Columnar
  26. Image Upload 12
    Stratified Squamous
  27. Image Upload 14
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Epthelial Tissues Lab Quiz
Epthelial Tissues Lab Quiz