Muscles of head and neck

  1. What is the origin?
    Least movable attachment structure.
  2. What is insertion?
    More movable attachment structure.
  3. What are the 4 paired muscles of mastication?
    • 1. Masseter
    • 2. Temporalis
    • 3. Medial Pterygoid
    • 4. Lateral Pterygoid
  4. What actions are the muscles of mastication responsible for?
    Closing, forward and backward motion and shifting side to side of jaw.
  5. What nerve innervates the muscles of mastication?
    Mandibular division of Trigeminal nerve.
  6. What supplies blood to muscles of mastication?
    Maxillary artery branch of External carotid artery
  7. Origin of masseter
    Zygomatic arch
  8. Insertion of massetter?
    Angle and ramus of mandible
  9. Action of masseter
    Elevation of mandible (closing)
  10. Origin of temporalis
    temporal fossa
  11. Insertion of temporalis
    Coronoid process via a tendon below zygomatic arch
  12. Temporalis muscle action
    Elevates and retracts mandible
  13. Medial (internal) pterygoid muscle origin deep head
    pterygoid fossa on lateral plate of sphenoid bone
  14. Medial (internal) pterygoid muscle origin superficial head
    palatine bones and maxillary tuberosity
  15. Medial pterygoid insertion
    mandible near the angle
  16. Medial pterygoid action
    closure of jaw
  17. Lateral pterygoid origin of superior head
    greater wing of sphenoid bone
  18. Lateral pterygoid origin inferior head
    lateral pterygoid plate of sphenoid bone
  19. Lateral pterygoid insertion
    neck of mandibular condyle at pterygoid fovea
  20. Lateral pterygoid actions
    Protrusion/depression of the mandible, side to side lateral deviation of the mandible
  21. Name the 3 muscles of mastication that close the jaw
    Massetter, temporalis, medial pterygoid
  22. Name the 1 muscle of mastication that opens the jaw
    Lateral pterygoid
  23. Name the 1 muscle of mastication that retracts the mandible
  24. Name the one muscle of mastication that produces side to side movement
    Lateral pterygoid
  25. Name the muscle of mastication that protrudes the mandible
    lateral pterygoid
  26. What nerve innervates all muscles of facial expression?
    CN VII Facial
  27. Muscles of facial expression blood supply comes from
    facial artery via external carotid artery
  28. What muscle of facial expression is in the scalp?
    Epicranial muscle
  29. What are the two bellies of the epicranial muscle called and what are they separated by?
    • Frontal/occipital bellies
    • separated by epicranial aponeurosis
  30. Name the origin, insertion and action of the frontal belly (frontalis muscle)
    • 1. epicranial aponuerosis
    • 2. skin of eye brow/root of nose
    • 3. raise eye brows/wrinkle forehead
  31. Name the origin, insertion and action of occipital belly (occipitalis muscle)
    • 1. superior nuchal line/mastoid process
    • 2. epicranial aponeurosis
    • 3. tenses/retracts scalp/raises eye brows/wrinkles forehead
  32. What are the 2 eye muscles of facial expression?
    • 1. obicularis oculi
    • 2. corrigator supercilli
  33. Name orbicularis oculi origin, insertion and action
    • 1. frontal bone, maxillae and orbital rim
    • 2. tissue of eyelid at lateral region
    • 3. eye squinting/closing
  34. Name origin, insertion and action of corrigator supercilli
    • 1. frontal bone, supraorbital region
    • 2. skin tissue of eye brow
    • 3. frowning
  35. Name origin, insertion and action of orbicularis oris
    • 1. encircles mouth
    • 2. philtrum, borders of mouth
    • 3. purses, closes lips, kissing
  36. Name origins, insertion and action of buccinator muscle
    • 1. alveolar process of maxilla, mandible and pterygomandibular raphe
    • 2. skin tissue/orbicularis oris at labial commissures
    • 3. pulls labial commissures laterally and compresses cheek like in whistling
  37. origin, insertion and action of risorius
    • 1. soft tissue near angle of mandible
    • 2. labial commissures
    • 3. widens mouth/smile
  38. origin, insertion and action of levator labii superioris
    • 1. infraorbital rim of maxillae
    • 2. skin of upper lip
    • 3. raises upper lip
  39. origin, insertion and action of levator labii superioris alaeque nasi
    • 1. frontal process of maxillae
    • 2. skin of ala of nose/upper lip
    • 3. elevates upper lip and ala of nose
  40. origin, insertion and action of zygomaticus major
    • 1. zygomatic bone
    • 2. labial commissure
    • 3. elevates and pulls angle of mouth laterally
  41. origin, insertion and action of zygomaticus minor
    • 1. body of zygomatic bone
    • 2. skin of upper lip
    • 3. elevates upper lip for smiling
  42. origin, insertion and action of levator anguli oris
    • 1. canine fossa of maxillae
    • 2. labial commissures
    • 3. elevates angle of mouth
  43. origin, insertion and action of depressor anguli oris
    • 1. lower border of mandible
    • 2. labial commissure
    • 3. depresses angle of mouth frown
  44. origin, insertion and action of depressor labii inferioris
    • 1. lower mandible
    • 2. lower lip
    • 3. depresses lower lip pouting
  45. origin, insertion and action of mentalis
    • 1. anterior surface of mandible
    • 2. skin tissue of chin
    • 3. wrinkle chin/protrude lower lip
  46. origin, insertion and action of platysma
    • 1. skin above clavicle/shoulder
    • 2. inferior border of mandible/muscles surrounding mouth
    • 3. pulls corners of mouth down as in grimace
  47. what are the 4 smile muscles?
    • 1. zygomaticus major
    • 2. zygomaticus minor
    • 3. levator anguli oris
    • 4. risorius
  48. what are the 2 frown muscles?
    • 1. depressor anguli oris
    • 2. corrugator supercilli
  49. what are the 2 pouting muscles?
    • 1. depressor labii inferioris
    • 2. orbicularis oris
  50. What are the 4 suprahyoid muscles?
    • 1. digastric
    • 2. stylohyoid
    • 3. mylohyoid
    • 4. geniohyoid
  51. Name digastric ANTERIOR belly origin and insertion
    • 1. intermediate tendon
    • 2. digastric fossa
  52. Name origin and insertion of posterior belly of digastric
    • 1. mastoid notch
    • 2. intermediate tendon
  53. Action of digastric muscle
    depress mandible and elevate hyoid bone
  54. what is the nerve innervation of the anterior belly and posterior belly of digastric?
    • Anterior - CN V Trigeminal (mandibular division)
    • Posterior - CN VII Facial
  55. Stylohyoid origin, insertion, action and innervation.
    • 1. styloid process
    • 2. hyoid bone
    • 3. elevates hyoid bone and larynx while swallowing
    • 4. CN 7 VII Facial
  56. Mylohyoid origin, insertion, action and innervation
    • 1. Mylohyoid line on mandible
    • 2. hyoid bone
    • 3. elevates hyoid bone, depresses mandible, forms floor of mouth
    • 4. mandibular division of trigeminal CN V
  57. Geniohyoid origin, insertion, action and innervation
    • 1. Genial tunbercles
    • 2. hyoid bone
    • 3. depresses mandible, elevates hyoid, widens phaynx
    • 4. CN XII Hypoglossal
  58. List the infrahyoid muscles and their actions and innervation
    • 1. sternohyoid, sternothyroid, thyrohyoid, omohyoid
    • 2. depress hyoid/larynx while swallowing
    • 3. CERVICAL NERVES 1, 2, 3
  59. Sternohyoid origin, insertion and action
    • 1. sternum
    • 2. hyoid bone
    • 3. depress larynx/hyoid bone
  60. sternothyroid origin, insertion and action
    • 1. sternum
    • 2. thyroid cartilage
    • 3. depress thyroid cartilage and larynx
  61. Thyrohyoid origin, insertion and action
    • 1. thyroid cartilage
    • 2. hyoid bone
    • 3. elevates thyroid cartilage/depresses hyoid bone
  62. Omohyoid origin, insertion and action
    • 1. scapula
    • 2. hyoid bone
    • 3. depress hyoid bone
  63. Name the 2 cervical muscles and their innervations
    • 1. sternocleidomastoid, trapezius
    • 2. CN XI Accessory
  64. sternocleidomastoid origin, insertion and action
    • 1. sternum/clavicle
    • 2. mastoid process
    • 3. neck flexion, turns head towards opposite side
  65. trapezius origin, insertion and action
    • 1. occipital bone at superior nuchal line 
    • (ligamentum nuchae) and spinous process of C7 T12
    • 2. clavicle acromion process, scapula spine
    • 3. elevates, depress, rotate, retract, stabilizes scapula
Card Set
Muscles of head and neck
head and neck muscles