Lab Practical 2 A&P 102

  1. Light entering the pupil would strike this retinal layer last
    pigmented epithelium
  2. What structure in cochlear duct contains the sensory hair cells?
    Organ of Corti
  3. What structures are responsible for changing of the shape of lens
    • ciliary muscle
    • suspensory ligament
  4. Part of eye that does the majority of refracting light
  5. A normal shaped lens is
  6. Taste sensation at posterior portion of tongue
  7. type of papillae at posterior part of tongue
  8. Ossicle that vibrates into oval window
  9. Cranial nerve number and name for hearing
    VIII Vestibulocochlear
  10. Innervation for anterior 2/3 of tongue
    Facial VII
  11. Innervation for posterior 1/3 of tongue
  12. What area contains ossicles?
    middle ear
  13. What do black and green numbers represent?
    • positive lens
    • hyperopia
    • corrective lens would be convex
  14. What do red numbers represent?
    • negative lens
    • myopia
    • concave
  15. What structure consists of conjunctiva fold and lacrimal gland?
  16. Organ of Corti is bathed in what fluid?
  17. Organ of Corti is housed in what bigger structure?
  18. What fluid is similar to intracellular fluid?
  19. Structure between Auricle and tympanic membrane
    auditory canal
  20. What cells secrete calcitonin?
  21. Nerve number that innervates lateral rectus muscle
  22. highly vascular deeply pigmented layer of tissue
  23. serous fluid posterior chamber flows through anterior chamber
    aqueous humor
  24. What structure produces most finely detailed images?
    fovea centralis
  25. condition where eyeball is too long
  26. condition where eyeball is too short
  27. Farsightedness
  28. Nearsightedness
  29. Farsightedness corrected with what lense
  30. in myopia, do light rays come into focus before or after they reach retina?
  31. Structure that prepares you for night time and produces melatonin
    pineal gland
  32. What gland is located behind sternum
  33. What does the zona glomerulosa secrete?
  34. What does zona fasciculata secrete?
    • glucocorticoids
    • cortisol
  35. What does zona reticularis secrete
  36. Alpha cells secrete
  37. Beta cells secrete
  38. F cells secrete
  39. Delta cells secrete
  40. Circumvallate papillae
    only 12 of them in back of the tongue only and associated with bitter taste
  41. Foliate papillae
    have tastebuds in childhood but go away
  42. Fungiform and Filliform Papillae
    • Filiform papillae - most abundant but do not have taste buds
    • Fungiform- Scattered around the tongue, but mostly concentrated in the center, many taste buds-sweet, salt, sour
  43. is optic disc medial or lateral to fovea centralis?
  44. A hyperopic person is prescribed a _________ shaped lens for correction.
  45. "C" cells location
  46. Thyroid follicles are filled with
  47. Cochlea location
    Inner ear
  48. The crystals on top of the gelatinous membrane of the macula are called
  49. What part of the eye forms the optic nerve
    optic disc
  50. parafollicular cells are located within this gland
  51. Ear bone that is attached to the oval window
  52. What type of hair cells are for hearing?
    Inner hair cells
  53. The term for the internal tunica of the eye which is devoid of photoreceptors
    Optic Disc (Blind Spot)
  54. The neurohypophysis is the anterior or posterior portion of what gland?
    Posterior of the Pituitary gland
  55. acinar cells
  56. adrenal cortex/medulla
  57. antrum
  58. basilar membrane
  59. bipolar cells
  60. capsule
  61. choroid
  62. colloid
  63. corona radiata
  64. cortex
  65. ganglion cells
  66. inner hair cell
  67. inner synaptic layer
  68. islet of langerhan
  69. medulla
  70. oocyte
  71. optic nerve axons
  72. organ of corti
  73. outer hair cells
  74. outer synaptic layer
  75. ovary
  76. pancreas gland
  77. parafollicular cells
  78. parathyroid gland
  79. photoreceptors
  80. pigmented layer
  81. pituitary gland
  82. premordial follicle
  83. primary follicle
  84. principle cell
  85. scala media
  86. scala tympani
  87. scala vestibuli
  88. sclera
  89. secondary follicle
  90. tectorial membrane
  91. theca externa
  92. theca interna
  93. thymus gland
  94. thyroid gland
  95. vestibular membrane
  96. zona fasciculata
  97. zona glomerulosa
  98. zona granulosa
  99. zona pellucida
  100. zona reticularis
  101. anterior process
  102. anterior semicircular canal
  103. antihelix
  104. antitragus
  105. auricle
  106. base of stapes
  107. bitter
  108. cavum
  109. cochlea
  110. concha
  111. crus helix
  112. cymba
  113. externa acoustic meatus
  114. fibrocartilagineus ring
  115. handle of malleus
  116. head of malleus
  117. helix
  118. incisura
  119. incus
  120. internal carotid artery
  121. lateral semicircular canal
  122. lenticular process
  123. lobule
  124. malleus
  125. oval window
  126. pharyngotympanic tube
  127. posterior semicircular canal
  128. round window
  129. salty
  130. scapha
  131. sour
  132. stapes
  133. sweet
  134. tensor tympani muscle
  135. tensor veli palatini
  136. tragus
  137. triangular fossa
  138. tympanic cavity
  139. tympanic membrane
  140. vestibularcochlear nerve
  141. vestibule
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Lab Practical 2 A&P 102