
  1. stereoisomer
    same molecule different spatial arrangement
  2. optically active
    all D or all L
  3. racemic mixture
    mix of D and L
  4. epimer
    1 carbon is switched
  5. anomeric carbon
    1st C in ring that can switch between beta and alpha
  6. oligosaccharide
    a carbohydrate polymer of 3 to 10 monosaccharide
  7. reducing end sugar
    the sugar that contains a free anomeric carbon not involved in
  8. hemiacetal
    the product of the first addition to a carbonyl compound (specifically an aldose)
  9. hemiketal
    addition of an alcohol to ketose
  10. uronic acid
    sugar that contains a carbonyl and carboxylic acid group
  11. anomers
    isomeric forms of monosaccharides that differ only in their configuration about the hemiacetal or hemiketal carbon atom
  12. Starch chemical make up
    • α1-4 glucose
    • cho storage for plants
    • h-bonded left hand helix
    • two types: amylose (no branching) amylopectin (branch 1-6)
  13. glycogen
    • α1-4 glucose
    • CHO storage for animals 
    • branched
    • granules
    • enzyme for synthesis and degredation in granule
  14. cellulose
    • β1-4 glucose
    • fibrous structure in plants
    • linear
    • unbranched
  15. glycosaminoglycan
    • linear repeating disaccharides ABABA
    • A: GlcNAc or GalNAc'
    • B: a uronic acid
    • negative charged
    • rich in info
  16. proteoglycans
    • mostly carbohydrates than protein
    • backbone hylauronate
    • glycoaminoglycans are bound in these
  17. lectins
    • glycoprotein
    • carbohydrate-binding proteins
  18. role of lectins
    • cell-cell recognition
    • CHO determinants in embryos
    • leukocyte homing
  19. glycoproteins
    protein and one or several oligosaccharides covalently bonded
  20. function of glycoproteins
    • target protein to specific organelles
    • protect protein from proteolysis
    • aid folding, stability
    • provide point of recognition
  21. gangliosides
    membrane lipids, the polar head group is a oligosaccharide containing sialic acid
  22. selectin
    plasma membrane lectins that mediate cell-cell recognition and adhesion
  23. O blood group
  24. A blood group
  25. B blood group
  26. Carbohydrate function in pathogenesis
    • Novel CHOs on Cancer cells
    • H. pylori binds to fucose On O antigen
    • H. pylori binds to sialic acid in some gastric mucosa glycoproteins
    • Cholera binds to gylcoproteins in intestine-activate chloride pump
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