Algebra 2 Terms

  1. opposite
    positive and negative numbers (ex. 5, -5)
  2. reciprocal
    flips number over (1/4, 4/1)
  3. rational number
    can be written as a fraction
  4. irrational number
    • can't be written as a fraction (pi, square root of 2, e)
    • a decimal that never ends and never repeats
  5. whole numbers
    counting numbers (NOT negative, but includes 0)
  6. integers
    positive and negative whole numbers (number line)
  7. closure property
    addition: a + b = real number

    multiplication: ab = real number
  8. commutative property
    addition: a + b = b + a

    multiplication: ab = ba
  9. associative
    addition: (a + b) + c = a + (b + c)

    multiplication: (ab)c = a(bc)
  10. identity
    addition: a + 0 = 0 + a

    multiplication: a x 1 = a, 1 x a = a
  11. inverse
    addition: a + (-a) = 0

    multiplication: a x 1/a = 1 , a = 0
  12. distributive
    a (b + c) = ab + ac
Card Set
Algebra 2 Terms
Algebra 2 - chapter 1 section 1