Nutrition Test

  1. What are the six food groups?
    • Grains
    • Fruits
    • Vegetables
    • Meats & Beans
    • Dairy
    • Fats and Oils
  2. How much Grains should you have each day?
    6 oz
  3. How much fruit should you have each day?
    2 cups
  4. How much vegetables should you have each day?
    2 1/2 cups
  5. How much fats/oils should you have each day?
    7 teaspoons
  6. How much Dairy should you have each day?
    3 cups
  7. How much meat/beans should you have each day?
    5 1/2 oz.
  8. What food group are milk, cheese, and yogurt in?
  9. Give three examples of grains
    rice, pasta, bread
  10. what food group are carrots, spinach, and broccoli in?
  11. what food group is butter and oil in?
  12. give three examples of meat and beans
    chicken, fish, nuts
  13. what are three examples from the fruit group?
    strawberries, grapes, peach
  14. What should you look for on a nutrition label?
    • calories
    • total carbohydrate
    • protein
    • sodium
    • fats
    • cholesterol
  15. Name some healthy snacks from the dairy group.
    yogurt, cheese
  16. Name some healthy snacks from the fruit group.
    raisins, apple, banana, grapes
  17. Name some healthy snacks from the grains group
    whole wheat crackers, popcorn, pretzels
  18. Name some healthy snacks from the meat/beans group
    nuts, hummus
  19. Give three reasons breakfast is so important.
    • 1. It helps you concentrate
    • 2. Greater attention span
    • 3. Higher IQ on testing
  20. What kinds of foods can make up a healthy breakfast?
    • 1. whole grains like cereal or whole wheat toast
    • 2. milk
    • 3. fruit
    • 4. cheese, eggs
  21. What does it mean to be healthy?
    • 1) free from illness
    • 2) getting along well with others
    • 3) enjoying famiy
    • 4) spiritual maintenance
    • 5) helping others
    • 6) wise decisions
  22. What spiritual things can you do to keep yourself healthy?
    read and memorize Scripture, pray, attend worship
  23. What physical things can you do to keep yourself healthy?
    be active, eat well, sleep, good hygiene
  24. What can you do to keep yourself emotionally and intellectually healthy?
    respect yourself, express your feelings, learn new things, develop thinking skills
  25. How can you keep yourself socially healthy?
    make and keep friends, work in groups, give and receive support, being a part of a family
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Nutrition Test
nutrition test review