
  1. Behaviorism
    The view that psychology should be an objective science. studies behavior without reference to mental process.
  2. Humanistic psychology
    hystorically significant perspective that emphasized the growth potential of healthy people; used persoalized methods to study personality to foster personal growth
  3. psychology
    the scientific study of behavior and mental processes
  4. nature vs nuture issue
    the longstanding controversy over the relative contributions that genes and experiences make to the development of psychological traits and behaviors
  5. biopsychosocial approach
    an integrated approach the incorporates biological,psycholigical, and social-cultural levels of analysis
  6. basic research
    pure science that aims to increase the scientific knowledge base
  7. hindsight bias
    the tendency to believe, after learning an outcome, that one would have foreseen it(also know as the I knew it all along phenomenom
  8. critical thinking
    thinking that does not blindly accept arguments and conclusions, but assesses them
  9. random assignment
    assigning research participants to experimental and control conditions by chance, thus minimizing pre-existing conditions between those 2 groups
  10. neuron
    a nerve cell: the basic building block of the nervous system
  11. dendrite
    the bushy, branching extensions of a neuron that recieve messages and conduct impulses toward the cell body
  12. axon
    the extension of a neuron, ending in branching terminal fibers, through which messages pass to other neurons or to muscles or glands
  13. biological psychology
    a branch of psychology cconcerned with the links between biology and behavior...neuropsychologist
  14. action potential
    a neural impulse: a brief elecrical charge that travels down axon
  15. threshold
    the level of stimulation required to trigger a neural impulse
  16. synapse
    the junction between the axon tip of the sending neuron and the dendriteor cell body or recieveing neuron, tiny gap is the synaptic gap
  17. neurotransmitters
    chemical messengers that travers the synaptic gap between neurons.
  18. endorphins
    "morphin within" natural, opiate like neurotransmitters linked to pain control and to pleasure
  19. nervous system
    the bodys speedy electrochemical communication network, consisting of all the nerve cells, peripheral and central
  20. central nervous system
    the brain and spinal chord (CNS)
  21. peripheral nervous system
    the sensory and motor neurons that connect the central nervous system to the body (PNS)
  22. nerves
    neural "cables" containing many axons connecting PNS with muscles and glands
  23. sensory neurons
    neurons that carry incoming informaion from sensory receptors
  24. motor neurons
    neurons that carry outgoing information from the central nervous system to muscles and glands
  25. somatic nervous system
    controls voluntary movements
  26. autonomic nervous system
    controls self regulated action of internal organs and glands
  27. sympathetic nervous system
    arouses the body and prepares it in stressful situations
  28. parasysmpathetic nervous system
    calms the body, conserving energy
  29. reflex
    a simple automatic response to a sensory stimulas, such as the knee jerk response
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