Part A Probability

  1. Definition. Xn → X almost surely (or “with probability 1”) if
  2. Definition. Xn → X in probability if
    • for every  > 0,
  3. Let F1, F2, . . . and F be the distribution functions of X1, X2, . . . and X respectively.
    Definition. Xn → X in distribution (or weakly), if
    • for every x such that F is continuous at x,
  4. which modes of convergence imply which other modes of convergence
  5. state the weak law of large numbers
  6. state markov's inequality
  7. state chebyshev's inequality
  8. state the strong law of large numbers
  9. state the central limit theorem
  10. define PGF
  11. what is the uniqueness theorem for PGFs
  12. what is an MGF
  13. uniqueness theorem (for MGFs)
  14. continuity theorem (for MGFs)
  15. what is the characteristic function
Card Set
Part A Probability
part a prob