DHE 116 chapter#21 Radiographic Anatomy quiz

    • alveolar bone:
    • cortical 
    • cancellous
    • trabeculae
    • alveolar process
  1. alveolar crest

  2. anterior nasal spine

  3. condyle

  4. mandibular notch
  5. coronoid process
  6. genial tubercles
  7. hamulus
  8. Incisive foramen
  9. inverted Y formation
  10. lamina dura
  11. lateral fossa
  12. lingual foramen
    • mandibular canal
  13. mandibular foramen
  14. mastoid process
  15. mandibular notch
  16. maxillary sinus
  17. maxillary tuberosity
  18. median palatine suture
  19. mandible: mental foramen
  20. mental fossa
    • mental ridge 
    • mylohyoid Ridge
  21. nasal conchae
  22. nasal septum
  23. radiolucent portion(not arrows)
    Nasal fossa
  24. all the way to the bottom
    nutrient canal
  25. occipital bone
  26. sphenoid bone
  27. styloid process
    • submandibular fossa
  28. symphysis mandible
  29. temporal bone
  30. torus mandibularis
  31. torus palatinus
  32. buccal exostosis
  33. tuberosity (maxilla)
  34. zygomatic bone
  35. zygoma process
    • 1. border of maxillary sinus
    • 2. maxillary sinus
    • 3. zygomatic process of maxilla
    • 4. zygoma
    • 5. lateral pterygoid plate
    • 6. border of zygomatic arch
    • 7. maxillary tuberosity
    • 8 coronoid process of mandible
    • 1. hamulus
    • 2. lateral pterygoid plate
    • 3. coronoid process of mandible
    • 4. maxillary tuberosity
    • 5. maxillary sinus
    • 1. mental ridge
    • 2. nutrient canal
    • 3. nutrient foramen
    • 4. genial tubercles surrounding
    • 5. lingual foramen
    • 6. inferior border of the madible
    • 1. lateral fossa
    • 2. nasal fossa
    • 3. inverted Y landmark
    • 4. maxillary sinus
    • 5. superimposition of the mesial surface of the 1st premolar and distal surface of canine
    • 1.border of maxillary sinus
    • 2. maxillary sinus
    • 3. zygomatic process of maxilla
    • 4. septum of maxillary sinus
    • 5. zygoma
    • 6. borer of zygomatic arch
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DHE 116 chapter#21 Radiographic Anatomy quiz
DHE 116 chapter#21 Radiographic Anatomy quiz