chapter 19

  1. Zygomycota characteristics
    • aseptate
    • zygospores=sexual
    • sporangiospores=asexual 

    rhizopus, mucor
  2. Ascomycota characteristics
    • septate
    • ascospores=sexual
    • conida=asexual

    ex. saccharomyces
  3. Basidiospores characteristics
    • septate
    • basidiospores=sexual
    • arthrospores=asexual

    ex. amanita
  4. Deuteromycetes
    • Septate Hyphae
    • Sexual spores= None found
    • Asexual spores= Condidia
    • Ex: Asperguillus, Trichophyton, Tinea
    • Agent: aspergillosis, ringworm, athlete's foot
  5. The Kingdom fungi organisms
    are eukaryotic organisms with cell walls usually made of chitin (a nitrogenous polysaccharide) and with chemoheterotrophic nutrition. Most fungi are multicellular, but some grow as unicellular yeasts.
  6. Mycology
    The study of fungi
  7. Yeasts
    Unicellular fungi
  8. Chemoheterotrophic
    heterotrophic; requiring preformed organic compounds as sources of carbon and oxidizing organic compounds as a source of energy.
  9. Thallus
    The fungal body
  10. Hyphae
    fungal branching filaments
  11. mycelium
    is a mass of hyphae that form a "fungal colony." They can be either septate or aseptate
  12. septate mycelium
    is when the mycelium is divided by crosswalls
  13. aseptate mycelium
    is when the myceium is not divided by crosswalls.
  14. dimorphic
    fungi occurring in two forms; have both yeast and mycelial form depending on their enviroment.
  15. how are fungi classified
    into four divisions based on type/lack of sexual spore produced.

    • 1) Zygomycete
    • 2) Basidiomycete
    • 3) Ascomycete
    • 4) Deuteromycete
  16. saprobes/saprophytic
    decomposing dead organisms by secreting digestive enzymes and reabsorb the breakdown product. Important in nutrient cycling of ecosystems
  17. Predatory fungi
    very few fall into this category. Ex: arthrobotrys which produces small lasso like hypha that swell around a nematode (worm).
  18. mutualalism
    Is a type of symbiosis between two species of organisms where all parties benefit. Ex: Lichens between bact. and fungus) ,endomychorrhizae, mycorrhizae, ectomycorrhizae
  19. Mycorrhizae
    "fungus-roots" important for successful farming

    -the plant provides mold
  20. mycoses
    Human diseases caused by fungi. Three types (superficial, subcutaneous and systemic)

    are fungal diseases that are confined to the outer layers of the skin, hair or nails. Ex: Dermatophytic mycoses "ringworms

    are fungal diseases affect tissues below the skin, such s those of the lymphatic systems. Ex: Sporothrix

    are fungal diseases that spread throughout the body. Caused by dimorphic fungal pathogens of ascomycota: coccidiodes, histoplasma etc.
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chapter 19