nursing exam 1

  1. nursing process
    • ADPIE
    • assessment
    • diagnosis
    • plan
    • implement
    • evaluate
  2. when do you have to asses
    when the information given is not enough to take action
  3. ABC's
    • Airway
    • Breathing
    • Circulation
  4. assesment
    collect data
  5. diagnosis
    we ID actual or possible risks
  6. plan
    set SMART goals.(specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timely)
  7. implement
    action. give drugs, educate, monitor, etc.
  8. evaluate
    did the plan work
  9. basic critical thinking
    follows rules and guidelines
  10. discipline
    using known criteria and being thurough
  11. scientific method
    ID, collect, formulate, test, evaluate
  12. diagnostic reasoning
    physical or behavioral observations
  13. PPE before
    • Gown
    • Mask
    • Goggles
    • Gloves
  14. PPE AFter
    • Gloves
    • Goggles
    • gown
    • Mask
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nursing exam 1
nursing exam 1