Supervisor Academy Week 2 day 4 Discipline

  1. The goal of discipline is:
    to produce desirable behavior
  2. The root meaning of the word discipline is
    "to teach or to mold"
  3. The receiver of discipline is a
  4. The condition of the individual in the organization.
    Self discipline
  5. The condition of the organization
    Organizational Discipline
  6. Positive self discipline is the regulation of one's own behavior out of self interest which is based on:
    The normal human tendency to do what needs to be done, to do one's share and follow reasonable standards of behavior
  7. Keys to success:
    • Know your environment
    • Set Objectives
    • Make expectations known
  8. Officer with good self discipline have these traits on common:
    • 1. Mastered street skills and understanding of community
    • 2. Know what is expected
    • 3. Understand rationale of expectations
    • 4. Department's mission is known
    • 5. Demonstrate willingness to conform to agency's objectives
  9. A disciplinary process to be effective must have two elements:
    • 1. Professionalism
    • 2. Essential Fairness
  10. What are the goals of disciplinary action?
    • 1. Reform
    • 2. ....
  11. The PRICE Protocal:
    • 1. Pinpoint
    • 2. Record
    • 3. Involve
    • 4. Couch
    • 6. Evaluate
  12. Poor motives =
    poor outcome
  13. Problem behavior ________ evolves from a personality conflict between supervisor and subordinate
  14. What is the reserved rights concept?
    That supervisors have authority to make the final call unless law prohibits it.
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Supervisor Academy Week 2 day 4 Discipline
Supervisor Academy Week 2 day 4 Discipline