- French royal gardner for palace at Versailles, famous for his alphabetical design of his plants in
- garden design groups related to plant species. called the "international code of Botanical Nomenclature"
ROBERT BROWN (1773-1858)
- Scottish botanist, gymnosperms are a distinct group of plants, has many cotyledons, naked ovules and naked seeds.
- think of gymnosperms as conifers.
ASA GRAY (1810-1888)
- harvard botanist, studied vegatation in North America collected a huge inventory
- collected throughout the Fingerlakes, type specimens. had summer home in Skaneateles
- AKA "splitter" (things that were different were considered new species
- German botanist, especially interested in the non-flower plants that produce spors not seeds
- he studied reproduction in primitive plants the sporophyte & gametophyte
CHARLES DARWIN (1809-1882)
- NOT A BOTANIST! Theory of evolution, interested in rocks, mineral and fossils
- variation within a species, struggle for existence among next generation , survival
- (reproduction of the fittest individual)
EICHLER (1839-1887) AND ENGLER (1844-1930)
- comprehensive treatment of the plant kingdom, crptogamae: thallophyte, bryophyte, pteridophyte produced by spores.
- phanaerogamae (seed bearing) gymnosperms and angiosperms
CHARLES BESSEY (1845- 1915)
- student of Asa Gray, introduced new ideas about primitive and advanced characteristics of plants
- evolutionary statement, statements= DICTA
assumptions that describe evolutionary trends primitive condition to advanced condition