
  1. Prenatal period-
    the time from conception to birth
  2. Zygote-
    the first new cell resulting from conception
  3. Germinal stage-
    the period of development that lasts from the time of fertilization until the blast cyst (hollow ball)
  4. Embryonic stage-
    the period of development during which the embryo develops at a rapid rate, and all of the organ systems of the body are bid in place (last about 6 weeks)
  5. Fetal stage-
    the period of development during which the organs of the body continue increase in function (includes months 3-9)
  6. Point of viability-
    the time in which the fetus could survive if it was born prematurely
  7. Fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS)-
    a problem in which smaller babies with retarded growth, poor coordination, poor muscle tone and intellectual retardation results when the mother consumes alcohol during pregnancy
  8. Neonate-
    the name given to a newborn
  9. Information processing approach-
    focus on changes in basic information processing system; quantitative approach
  10. Piaget’s Stages of Development-
    4 stages:

    1) sensorimotor (birth – 2 years)

    2) preoperational (2 – 7 years)

    3) concrete operational (7 – 11 years)

    4) formal operational (11- adulthood)
  11. Schemas-
    according to Piaget, integrated mental representations that children construct to make sense of the world
  12. Organization-
    predisposition to integrate individual schemas into organized units
  13. Adaptation-
    according to Piaget, the process of developing the appropriate schemas to meet the demands of the environment
  14. Assimilation-
    according to Piaget, a process that occurs when a child incorporates new information into an existing schema
  15. Accommodation-
    according to Piaget, the process that allows a child to modify his or her schemas in order to account for new objects or experiences (or to create new schemas)
  16. Sensorimotor stage-
    Piaget’s stage of cognitive development (birth to 2 years) in which children discover by sensing (sensori -) and by doing (motor)
  17. Object permanence-
    the awareness that objects still exist even if they cannot be seen and that their reappearance is anticipated
  18. Preoperational stage-
    Piaget’s stage of cognitive development (2 – 7 years) in which a child’s thinking in self – centered, or egocentric
  19. Concrete operations stage-
    Piaget’s stage of cognitive development (7 – 11 years) in which children begin to develop many new concepts and show that they can manipulate these concepts
  20. Conservation-
    the awareness that changing the form or appearance of something does not change what it really is
  21. Formal operation stage-
    Piaget’s stage of cognitive development (12 and older) characterized by the logical manipulation of abstract, symbolic concepts
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Chapter 8 vocab