Data Cards

  1. If a customer has unlimited messaging on their QMD handset (Nation or Family Plan); how much is the Data Plan and how much data is included?
    $10 / Month and Unlimited Data
  2. If a prospect wants unlimited Text and Data on a single Quick Messaging Device what rate plan would you offer?
    $30 Unlimited Data and Messaging Unlimited
  3. True or false: Cellular Video is not included with Unlimited Data for basic or QMD handsets.
  4. Which DATA positioning statement(s) are more effective for engaging a prospect about a data plan (choose 1 or more responses)?
    A. Would you like data to your new handset?
    B. Do you get more voice mails or emails?
    C. What types of web sites do you frequently visit?
    D. AT&T offers unlimited data plan for only $10 / month are you interested?
  5. A. Do you get more voice mails or emails?
    B. What types of web sites do you frequently visit?
  6. How many benefits or activities can you list for recomending an unlimited data on a basic or QMD handset?
    Answers might include, but not limited to: Mobile Email, weather, sports, news, facebook, Google, mobile banking, YouTube, Cellular Video, Music Video, downloading games and applications, Movie and entertainment news, etc.
  7. What is the average daily cost of Unlimited Data $10
    33¢ / Day ($10 / 30 days = 33¢ / day)
  8. True or false: You can’t access facebook with the unlimited plan you need to have a smart phone?
  9. In order to use Mobile TV, you do not need unlimited data?
  10. Unlimited Data uses WAP browser on basic and QMD handsets. What does WAP stand for?
    Wireless Application Protocol
  11. What can you do to increase your feature attach rate and commissions while selling basic or QMD phone?
  12. Answers might include, but not limited to:
    • Offering a data package with every transaction
    • Checking their account for text and or data packages and recommending an upgrade whenever possible.
    • Promote the Free Trial of Navigator, Roadside Assistance and Family Map with every sale.
  13. Answers might include, but not limited to:
    • Offering a data package with every transaction
    • Checking their account for text and or data packages and recommending an upgrade whenever possible.
    • Promote the Free Trial of Navigator, Roadside Assistance and Family Map with every sale.
    • Up sell a prospect from a QMD phone to a Smart phone.
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Data Cards
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