Volume 3 Chapter 13

  1. Gynecology
    Branch of medicine dealing with health maintenance and disease of women, primarily repoductive organs
  2. Obstetrics
    Branch of medicine dealing with care of women throughout pregnancy
  3. External Genitalia (Vulva)
    • Perineum: Muscular tissue/skin that seperates vagina and anus.
    • -Episiotomy-surgical tearing to facilitate birth.
    • Mons Pubis: Fatty layer of tissue over the pubic symphysis.
    • Labia: Structures that protect the vagina and the urethra.
    • -Labia Majora: Located laterally
    • -Labia Minora: Located medially
    • Clitoris: Highly innervated and vasular erectile tissue. For sexual stimulation.
    • Urethra: Drains urinary bladder.
  4. Internal Genitalia
    • Vagina: Passage of smooth muscle connecting external genitalia to uterus.
    • Uterus: Hollor musclar organ used to house fetus during pregnancy.
    • -Endometrium: Inner layer of the uterine wall where fertilized egg implants
    • -Myometrium: Thick middle layer of uterine wall made up of smooth muscle fibers.
    • -Perimetrium: The serosal peritoneal membrane that forms the outermost layer of uterine wall.
    • Fallopian Tubes: Conduct egg from ovaries to uterus.
    • Ovaries: Female sex glands. Secrete hormones estrogen and progesterone in respones to Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) and Lutenizing Hormone (LH). Development and release of eggs.
  5. Menarche
    Onset of menses. Usually between 10-14 years of age.
  6. Ovulation
    Release of an egg from the ovary
  7. Menstrual Cycle
    28 days long. Prepares uterus to receive egg.

    Proliferative Phase: First 2 weeks. Uterine lining becomes engorged with blood. After 14 days release of an egg takes place in reponse to LH

    Secretory Phase: Stage immediately surrounding ovulation.

    Ischemic Phase: If fertilization does not occur estrogen and progesterone levels fall. Vascular changes cause endometrium to become pale and small blood vessels rupture.

    Menstrual Phase: Sloughing of inner lining of uterus occurs. Usual blood loss of 50 mL.
  8. Menstruation
    Sloughing of endometrium if fertilized egg is not implanted. Controlled by hormones.
  9. Menopause
    Cessation of menses and ovarian function due to decreased secretion of estrogen.
  10. Most Common Emergency GYN Complaints
    • Abdominal Pain
    • Vaginal Bleeding
  11. Dysmenorrhea
    Painful menstruation
  12. Dyspareunia
    Painful Sexual Intercourse
  13. Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)
    An acute infection of the reproductive organs.
  14. Cystitis
    Infection of the urinary bladder.
  15. Dysuria
    Painful urination often associated with cystitis
  16. Mittelschmerz
    Abdominal pain associated with ovulation
  17. Endometritis
    Infection of the endometrium
  18. Endometriosis
    Endometrial tissue grows outside uterus.
  19. Ectopic Pregnancy
    Implantation of a developing fetus outside the uterus
  20. Treatment for Abdominal Pain
    • Comfort
    • Transport
  21. Menorrhagia
    Excessive menstrual flow
  22. Treatment for Vaginal Bleeding
    • Absorb blood flow
    • Transport
    • Oxygen and IV access
  23. Pregnancy Terms
    • Antepartum: Time prior to fetus delivery
    • Postpartum: Time after fetus delivery
    • Prenatal: Prior to birth
    • Natal: Relating to birth
    • Gravidity: Number of times a woman has been pregnant
    • Parity: Number of pregnancies carried to full term
    • Primigravida: Women pregnant for first time
    • Primipara: Woman given birth to first child
    • Multigravida: Been pregnant more than once
    • Nulligravida: Never been pregnant
    • Multipara: Delivered more than one baby
    • Nullipara: Never delivered a baby
    • Grand Multiparity: More than 7 babies delivered
    • Gestation: Period of time for intrauterine fetal development
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Volume 3 Chapter 13
Volume 3 Chapter 13