thereby {adv}
so that {conj} [in order that]
with that
- damit [dadurch]
- damit
- (und) damit
upon {adv}
shortly afterwards {adv}
anxious {adj}
- darauf
- bald darauf
- darauf bedacht
therefor {adv}
although {conj}
but on the other hand
- dafür
- aber dafür
- dafür aber
for what {adv}
What was that for?
What do you need it for?
- wofür
- Wofür war das?
- Wofür brauchst du es?
so {conj}
Just so. [That's exactly why]
for that/this reason {adv}
- darum
- Eben darum.
- darum [aus diesem Grunde]
whether {conj}
as if {conj}
regardless of whether {conj}
while {conj}
by being patient [he]
He won by cheating.
- indem [zeitlich]
- indem er sich geduldete
- Er gewann, indem er mogelte
while {conj}
during {prep}
eternal {adj}
- während
- während [+Gen.]
- immer während
nevertheless /however{adv}
I won't be surprised however if ...
- dennoch
- Ich wäre dennoch nicht überrascht, wenn ...
however /by contrast{adv}
to disapprove
I am against it.
- dagegen
- dagegen sein
- Ich bin dagegen.
against /contrary to {prep}
contrary to rules
contrary to popular belief
- entgegen [+Dat.]
- entgegen den Regeln
- entgegen dem allgemeinen Glauben
about {prep}
in order to cover
to apply for sth.
- um
- um abzudecken
- um etw. einkommen
whereas {conj}
while {conj} [whereas]
however {adv}
but {adv} {conj}
Now, be patient!
That's whack! [Am.] [sl.]
- doch
- Sei doch geduldig!
- Das ist doch lächerlich!
but {conj}
but rather {conj}
It's not who you are, it's who you know.
- sondern
- Es geht nicht darum, wer du bist, sondern wen du kennst.
if / provided {conj}
if known
in case of fire
- falls
- falls bekannt
- falls es brennt
thus / as a result {adv}
This makes it clear that ...
he gained nothing by (od from) it
- dadurch
- Dadurch wird klar, dass ...
- er gewann nichts dadurch
subsequent {adj}
subsequently {adv}
afterwards {adv}
(then) subsequently {adv}
- anschließend
- daran anschließend
on it
on that
I wouldn’t think (od dream) of it
- daran
- ich denke nicht daran!
indeed {adv}
He's not rich, it's true, but still!
- zwar
- Er ist zwar nicht reich, aber immerhin!
similarly {adv} [equally]
just like
They fuck just like us. [coll.] [vulg.]
- genauso
- genauso wie
- Die treiben es genauso wie wir.
prior to that {adv}
to warn (sb.) against doing sth.
he sat down right in front of it
- davor
- (jdn.) davor warnen, etw. zu tun
- er setzte sich genau davor
thus {adv} [consequently, as a result]
therefore {adv}
Precisely why I have ...
Therefore, by all means, read ...
That's not what I came for.
- deshalb
- Genau deshalb habe ich ...
- Lesen Sie deshalb unbedingt ...
- Deshalb bin ich nicht hergekommen.
previously {adv}
the day before {adv}
a few years back {adv}
- zuvor
- tags zuvor
- einige Jahre zuvor
therefore / because of that{adv}
due to this {adv}
It's a great worry to me.
- deswegen
- -
- Ich mache mir deswegen große Sorgen.
for one thing {adv}
on one side {adv}
indeed {adv}
This is true enough.
I must admit though that ...
- allerdings
- Das ist allerdings wahr.
- Ich muss allerdings zugeben, dass ...
besides {adv}
furthermore {adv}
In addition he thinks that ...
- ferner [außerdem]
- -
- Ferner meint er, dass ...
however {adv} {conj}
yet {adv} [but]
but what was worse
- jedoch
- -
- was jedoch schlimmer war