CNA definitions Ch. 8 9 & 17-19

  1. Nursing diagnosis
    Describes a health problem that can be treated by nursing measure; step in the nursing process
  2. Objective data
    Information that is seen, heard, felt, or smelled by an observer; signs.
  3. Subjective data
    Things a person tells you about hat you cannot observe through your senses; symptoms.
  4. Bariatrics
    The filed of medicine focused on the treatment and control of besity
  5. Geriatrics
    The field of medicine concerned with the problems and diseases of old age and older persons.
  6. Holism
    A concept that considers the whole person; the whole person has physical, social, psychological, and spiritual parts that are woven together and cannot be separated.
  7. Morbid obesity
    The person weighs 100 pound or more over his or her normal weight.
  8. Obesity
    Having an excess amount of total body fat; body weight is 20% or more above what is normal for the person height and age.
  9. Obstetrics
    The field of medicine concerned with the care of women during pregnancy, labor, and childbirth and for 6 to 8 weeks after birth.
  10. Optimal level of function
    A person's highest potential for mental and physical performance.
  11. Pediatrics
    The field of medicine concerned with the growth development, and care of children - newborns to teenagers.
  12. Psychiatry
    The field of medicine concerned with mental health disorders
  13. Religion
    Spiritual beliefs, needs, and practices
  14. Self-actualization
    Experiencing one's potential
  15. Base of support
    The area on which an object rests
  16. Dorsal recumbent position
    The back-lying or supine position
  17. Ergonomics
    The science of designing the job to fit the worker; ergo - works, nomos - law
  18. Fowler's position
    A semi-sitting position; the head of the bed is raised between 45 and 60 degrees.
  19. Lateral position
    The person lies on 1 side or the other; side-lying position
  20. Prone position
    Lying on the abdomen with the head turned to 1 side
  21. Sims' position
    A left side-lying position in which the upper leg (right leg) is sharply flexed so it is not on the lower leg (left leg) and the lower arm (left arm) is behind the person; semi-prone side position
  22. Supine position
    The back-lying or dorsal recumbent position
  23. Work-related musculo-skeletal disorders
    Injuries and disorders of the muscles, tendons, ligaments, joints, and cartilage; they are caused or made worse by the work setting.
  24. Bed mobility
    How a person moves to and from a lying position, turns from side to side, and re-positions in a bed or other furniture.
  25. Functional status
    The person's ability to perform the activities of daily living (ADL) required to meet basic needs and required for health and well-being.
  26. Logrolling
    Turing the person as a unit, in alignment, with 1 motion.
  27. Lateral transfer
    When a person moves between 2 horizontal surfaces
  28. Transfer
    How a person moves to and from surfaces - bed chair, wheelchair, toilet or standing position.
  29. Contractures
    The lack of joint mobility caused by the abnormal shortening of a muscle.
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CNA definitions Ch. 8 9 & 17-19
CNA definitions Ch. 8 9 & 17-19