Health Exam Unit 2

  1. What are the 6 principles of human d/ment?
    • 1. development equires change
    • 2. early d/ment is essential for later d/ment
    • 3. pattern of d/ment is orderly and predictable
    • -cephalocaudal
    • -proximodistal
    • 4. d/ment requires maturation and learning
    • 5. growth and d/ment are continuous
    • 6. rates of d/ment are unique
  2. What are the three stages of prenatal d/ment?
    • 1. germinal
    • 2. embryonic
    • 3. foetal
  3. What does APGAR stand for?
    • Activity
    • Pulse
    • Grimace
    • Appearance
    • Respiration
  4. What is the APGAR used for?
    To measure the health of newly born babies
  5. When is the APGAR test administered?
    • 1 min after birth
    • 5 min after birth

  6. State PIES d/ment during infancy:
    • Physical: rapid, basic m/skills
    • Intellectual: recognising own name
    • Emotional: recognising others
    • Social: smiling
  7. State PIES d/ment during childhood:
    • Physical: steady growth, increase in height
    • intellectual: increase in vocab
    • Emotional: dealing with school stresses and feelings
    • Social: learning to share and take turns
  8. What is a perinatal condition?
    A condition that causes the death of a baby within the first 28 days.
  9. What is a congenital abnormality?
    A malformity of a body part
  10. What is the largest contributor to infant mortality in Australia?
    Perinatal conditions.
  11. What is the highest contributor to childhood mortality?
  12. Name 1 element of each BBPS that can affect Aus children:
    • Biological - body weight
    • Behvaioural - maternal nutrition (drugs, alcohol, breastfeeding)
    • Physical - child safety
    • Social(family) - parenting styles
  13. state some factors how low birth weight affects infant health?
    • -increase risk of airway blockage
    • -decrease in exercise capacity
    • -increased risk of h/r issues and asthma
  14. state some factors how low birth weight affects infant d/ment?
    • -decrease lung functioning
    • -decrease muscle mass
    • - decrease co-ordination & reflexes
  15. Explain what is maternal nutrition:
    maternal nutrition is the food and nutrients the mother consumes during pregnancy which is transferred to the baby or 'foetus'
  16. What is folates role in maternal nutrition?
    Folate reduces risk of neural tube defects.
  17. Explain the effects of a neural tube defect:
    • -lack of feeling in legs
    • -increased risk of burns
    • -sexual dysfunction
  18. what is the affect/role of iron and calcium in maternal nutrition?
    Calcium: required for the strengthening and d/ment of bones

    Iron: carries oxygen in the blood, transfers to foetus through placenta.
  19. what are some impacts on health through maternal alcohol consumption?
    • -behavioural problems
    • -brain functioning
    • -learning difficulties
  20. what are some impacts on d/ment through maternal alcohol consumption?
    • -low birth weight
    • -smaller jaw
    • -smaller head
  21. name 3 things to improve child safety in the home:
    • -make sure appliances are turned off when not in use
    • -lock poison cabinets
    • -keep things out of reach
    • -seal off stairs
    • -create soft flooring
  22. name the 3 parenting styles;
    • 1. Authoritarian
    • 2. Authoritative
    • 3. permissive
  23. Describe the 3 styles of parenting:
    • Authoritarian - overemphasis on discipline, direct parenting style with routinely structure.
    • Authoritative - effectively communicate fair discipline rules while balancing child's self-esteem.
    • Permissive - lack of interest in child, fail to discipline, little or no expectations, child is generally more immature.
  24. Explain: D/ment requires change.
    What number principle of human d/ment?
    • Child must develop various aspects and cannot remain there same.
    • there must be either growth or decline.

  25. Explain: early d/ment is essential for later d/ment.
    What number principle of human d/ment?
    A child must learn to walk before they can run.

  26. Explain: Patterns of d/ment are orderly and predictable.
    What are the 2 sub categories?
    What number principle of human d/ment?
    • Development is gentically programmed and development milestones will generally occur in sequential order.
    • - Proximodistal
    • - Cephalocaudal

  27. Explain: d/ment requires maturation and learning.
    What number principle of human d/ment?
    a child must grow in various aspects before they are able to further their skills and knowledge.

  28. Explain: growth and d/ment are continuous.
    What number principle of human d/ment?
    Growth and d/ment never stop there is always some sort of cycle.

  29. Explain: rates of d/ment are unique
    What number principle of human d/ment?
    People peak and reach different milestones and various times.

  30. Define Proximodistal:
    • Development occurs from the inside out.
    • It occurs from the spine the arms and legs to the hands and feet then fingers and toes.
  31. Define Cephalocaudal:
    • Development occurs from head to toe.
    • The head and upper body parts develop first and work down towards the toes.
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Health Exam Unit 2
Health Exam Unit 2