Effective Oral Communications: Quiz One

  1. intrapersonal
    • communication with ourselves
    • dialogue
  2. interpersonal
    communication with others
  3. group
    communication with teams with goals and strengths
  4. mass
    communication designed to reach large groups
  5. public
    communication as a public speech
  6. Conversation VS Public speaking
    • *More structure (organization/preparation)
    • *More responsibility (ethics/honesty)
    • *Anxiety levels(easy for some...)
  7. How has public speaking evolved?
    • *technology
    • *diversity in the audience members
    • *style of delivery
  8. trait apprehension
    it's part of your personality: you find it difficult to communicate in any situation
  9. state apprehension
    like stage fright
  10. Fear reducing techniques
    • *Fear is normal
    • *All in the same boat
    • *Breathe!
    • *Speak often
    • *Be prepared
  11. Importance of Public Speaking
    • 1. academics
    • 2. personal reasons
    • 3. professional credibility and advancement
    • 4. community involvement and change
  12. When we would speak in public
    • 1. we are asked to speak because of our knowledge expertise; experience
    • 2. We want to speak because we are passionate about a topic/issue
    • 3. we are required to speak because of work or school
  13. The Responsible Speaker
    • 1. honesty and truthfulness
    • 2. ethically and legally sound
    • 3. select topics of significance
  14. ethics
    • a branch of philosophy dealing with issues of right or wrong concerning human affairs
    • * truth is, its not always black and white
    • *situations can muddy the waters
  15. global plagiarism
    taking entire speech from a single source
  16. patchwork plagiarism
    stealing info from several sources
  17. incremental plagiarism
    when speaker fails to give credit for certain parts of the speech
  18. How to cite verbally
    • 1. signal your listeners
    • 2. present the research/data
    • 3. avoid blanket citation which includes on-screen works cited page.
  19. How to avoid the situation
    • 1. start early
    • 2. consult many sources
    • 3. your words when recording info
    • 4. Be neat/clear/organized with citation info
  20. ghostwriting
    • *is considered ethical
    • * could present problems when:
    • 1. speaker refuses to take responsibility for the content
    • 2. if listeners are led to believe the speech maker was also the speech writer
  21. Fact VS Opinion
    • 1. Be sure that your audience knows the difference between your opinion and your research
    • 2. Always back up your view points with evidence
    • 3. Your audience will feel cheated if you leave them empty reasoning
  22. Emotional appeals
    • *emotional appeals are meant to make your audience feel a certain way: guilty, angry, proud, sad, sympathetic
    • 1. never substitute emotional appeals for factual evidence
    • 2. make sure appeal is appropriate to the speech topic
  23. selecting a topic
    • 1. start with what you know
    • 2. consider topics of communal interest
    • 3. consider topics that specifically relate to your audience
  24. knowing your audience
    • 1. consider demographic variables (something we can observe)
    • 2. know their interest
    • 3. look to connect with as many listeners as possible
  25. Know the occasion
    • 1. where will it take place?
    • 2. when is the speech scheduled?
    • 3. captive?
    • 4. Room?
    • 5. Technology?
  26. Purpose of your speech
    • 1. general purpose: inform, persuade, ceremony
    • 2. specific purpose: starts with general purpose
    • 3. thesis statement: central idea statement
  27. gathering material
    • 1. starts with what you know
    • 2. use good research techniques
    • 3. keep an open mind
    • 4. remain ethical and honest
  28. organizing your info
    • 1. full sentence outline: detailed
    • 2.key word outline
  29. Practicing your speech
    • 1. Read full sentence outline
    • 2. practice from keyword
    • 3. get feeback
    • 4. incorporate change
  30. Delivering your speech
    • 1. audience impact
    • 2. formal vs. imformal
  31. hearing
    The physiological process of receiving sound waves
  32. listening
    involves thinking and processing the info
  33. internal interference
    • 1.daydreaming
    • 2.preconceived ideas
    • 3. disagree with speaker/ideas
    • 4. passive listening (lazy listening)
  34. external interference
    • 1. room temp
    • 2.window/hallway
    • 3.audience members
    • 4.speaker distractions: clothing, delivery style, attitude, poor visuals, etc.
  35. How you listen
    • 1. auditory learners
    • 2. visual learners
    • 3. hands-on learnes
  36. Speaker styles
    • 1. be organized
    • 2. use clear, strong transitions
    • 3. include repetition
    • 4.different learning styles
    • 5.avoid distracting mannerisms
    • 6.dress appropriately
  37. know why you are listening
    • 1. appreciative-for enjoyment
    • 2.empathetic/therapeutic-for the speaker
    • 3. comprehension-academic/seminars
    • 4. critical-making a decision
  38. practical techniques
    • 1. focus on content
    • 2. i can do this for ...75 min!
    • 3. take notes
    • 4. offer verbal feedback
    • 5. ask questions
    • 6. make eye contact
    • 7. listen critically
    • 8. compare your knowledge: RRA Techniques (Review, Relate, Anticipate)
  39. Demographically
    • observable characterisitcs in your audience members
    • example: age, gender, ethnicity, intercultural factors, religion, geographic, education, occupation, economic status, marital status
  40. Psychologically
    • how your audience thinks or feels
    • example: beliefs, attitudes, values
  41. Discovering these factors
    • 1. surveys
    • 2. observation
    • 3. research
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Effective Oral Communications: Quiz One