aural rehabilitation terms list #1

  1. Aural rehabilitation is:
    Intervention aimed at minimizing and alleviating the communication difficulties associated with hearing loss.
  2. Conversational fluency:
    Relates to how smoothly conversation unfolds.
  3. A hearing related disability is:
    A loss of function imposed by hearing loss. The term denotes a multidimensional phenomenon.
  4. WHO:
    The World Health Organization
  5. An impairment is:
    A structural or functional impairment of the auditory system
  6. A handicap:
    Consists of the psychosocial disadvantages that result from a functional impairment.
  7. nomenclature
    A set of names used, or intended to be used, to designate things, classes, places, etc.; esp. a system of technical terms used in a science or other discipline.
  8. An activity limitation is:
    a change at the level of the person brought about by an impairment at the levels of body structure and function.
  9. A participation restriction is:
    an effect of an activity limitation that results in a change in teh broader scope of a patient's life; for example, a patient may avoid social gatherings.
  10. Frequent Communication Partners are:
    persons with whom another often converses, such as a family member.
  11. Psychological factors:
    pertain to an individual's attitudes, self-image, motivation,and assertiveness.
  12. Social factors
    are the prevailing viewpoints of one's society.
  13. aural habilitation
    is intervention for persons who have not developed listening, speech, and language skills.
  14. Audiologic rehabilitation
    narrower breadth of services. Implies an emphasis on the diagnostic of HL and provision of listening devices.
  15. Where does aural rehabilitation occur?
    • University, private practice, Hearing aid dealership, hospital, community center
    • nursing home, school, otolaryngologist's office, SLP office, a home
  16. pure-tone average (PTA):
    is average of the thresholds at 500, 1,000, and 2,000 Hz.
  17. Configuration
    refers to the extent of the hearing loss at each frequency and gives an overall description of the hearing loss.
  18. An asymmetrical hearing loss is:
    one in which the degree and/or configuration of loss in one ear differs from that in the other ear.
  19. Hard of hearing
    means having a hearing loss; usually not used to refer to a profound hearing loss.
  20. Deaf
    usually means having minimal or no hearing.
  21. prelingual
    refers to a hearing loss acquired before the acquisition of spoken language.
  22. congenital
    implies the hearing loss was incurred after birth.
  23. perilingual
    refers to a hearing loss acquired during that stage of acquiring spoken language.
  24. postlingual
    refers to a hearing loss incurred after the acquisition of spoken language.
  25. conductive loss
    results from an obstruction within the outer or middle ear.
  26. microtia
    is a congenitally small external ear.
  27. atresia
    A congenital closure of the external auditory canal.
  28. cerumen
    ear wax.
  29. ottis media
    an inflammation of the middle ear, often accompanied by the accumulation of fluid in the middle ear cavity.
  30. sensorineural hearing loss
    a type of hearing loss that has a cochlear or retro cochlear origin.
  31. meningitis
    is a common cause of childhood sensorineural hearing loss caused by bacterial or viral inflammation of the meninges. The meninges are the membranous linings of the brain and spinal cord.
  32. encephalitis
    in as inflammation of the brain.
  33. ototoxic drugs
    are harmful to the structures of the inner ear and the auditory nerve.
  34. mixed hearing loss
    a hearing loss that has both a conductive and a sensorineural component.
  35. progressive hearing loss is a hearing loss that increases over time.
  36. sudden hearing loss
    is a hearing loss that has an acute and rapid onset.
  37. unserved population
    refers to a group of patients in need of but not receiving services.
  38. underserved population
    is a group of patients received less that ideal services.
  39. cost-effectiveness
    it the relationship between the money spent and the benefits accrued.
  40. medicare
    is a program under the USSSA that reimburses hospitals and physicians for medical care they provide to qualified people who are 65 years of older.
  41. Medicaid
    is a program under the federal government to help people in need pay for medical costs.
  42. Evidence-based practice (EBP)
    is clinical decision making that is based on the a review of the scientific evidence of benefits and costs of alternative forms of diagnosis or treatment, and a critical examination of current and past practices.
  43. outcome measure
    indicates the amount or type of benefit experienced by either an individual or a group of individuals to a treatment or series of treatments, and/or indicates a response.
  44. randomized controlled trial
    a control group chosen at random in order to alleviate the chance that the process of selection might effect the outcome.
  45. dependent variable
    is the factor or item measured in an experiment.
  46. independent varible
    is the experimental factor that is manipulated or influential.
  47. The 5 steps of Evidence based practice
    • 1. Ask a straightforward question
    • 2. Find the best evidence to answer the question
    • 3. Critically assess the evidence and decide if the results pertain to your patient.
    • 4. Integrate the evidence with your clinical judgment and the patient values and needs.
    • 5. Evaluate the performance after having implemented your plan.
    • In terms of measuring "outcomes" of a treatment or hearing aid device, is it possible to reasonably weight all of the variables (demographics, audiologic, cognitive, emotional, life-style, etc.) that influence hearing aid success? What constitutes "hearing aid success?
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aural rehabilitation terms list #1
terms from text book