Anatomy Terms- Chapter 5: Tissue

  1. Simple Squamous Epithelium
    Eardrum, air sacs of lungs, crystalline lens of eye
  2. Simple Cuboidal Epithelium
    Ovaries, inner surface of cornea and lens of eye, kidneys, small ducts of many glands
  3. Simple Columnar Epithelium
    Stomach lining, small and large intestines, digestive glands, gall bladder.

    (contains goblet cells)
  4. Stratified Squamous
    Mouth, esophagus, vagina
  5. Stratified Cuboidal
    Sweat, mammary, and salivary glands
  6. Stratified Columnar
    Urethas and certain junctions of the body
  7. Functions of Connective Tissue
    • 1. Binds
    • 2. Supports
    • 3. Protects
    • 4. Stores energy
    • 5. Aides in circulation
  8. Hyaline Cartilage
    Ends of bones, nose, larynx, trachea, bronchia
  9. Fibrocartilage
    In between vertebrae, knees
  10. Elastic Cartilage
    Outer ear and eustachian tubes
  11. Elastic Connective Tissue
    Larynx, arteries, trachea, and bronchial tubes
  12. Connective Tissue Proper
    Subcutaneous layer that attaches skin to underlying tissue and organs
  13. Adipose Tissue
    Shock absorpers, food reserve
  14. Dense Connective Tissue
    Capsules around the heart, kidneys, testes, and liver
  15. Reticular Connective Tissue
    framework for liver, spleen, and lymph nodes
  16. Mucous Membranes
    Digestive, respiratory, and excretory tracts
  17. Serous Membranes
    covers organs
  18. Cutaneous Mambranes
  19. Synovial Membranes
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Anatomy Terms- Chapter 5: Tissue
Locations of different tissues