are imaginary flat surfaces passing through the body
Sagittal plane
divides the body into right and left halves
Frontal (coronal) plane
divides the body into front & back portions
Transverse (horizontal) plane
divides the body into upper & lower portions; alsocalled a cross section.
Axial Region
- Head = cephalic
- cranium = houses the brain
- facial = face
- Neck = cervical
- thorax = above diaphragm
- Abdomen = below diaphragm
- Back = lumbar
Appendicular region
- Upper limb =arm
- brachium =arm
- antebrachium = forearm
- carpus = wrist
- manus = hand
- digits = fingers
- Lower limb =leg
- inguinal =groin
- femoral = thigh
- crus = leg
- tarsus = ankle
- pedal = foot
- digits = toes
Major body cavities
spaces filled with visceralorgans and lined with membranes
Dorsal cavity
- Cranial cavity = houses the brain; lined with meninge
- Vertebral canal = houses the spinal cord; lined with meninge
Ventral cavity
- Thoracic cavity = houses the heart and lungs
- Mediastinum = space above the heart
- Pericardial cavity = contains the heart; membrane is pericardium
- Pleural cavity = contains the 2 lungs; membrane is pleura
- Abdominopelvic cavity =houses digestive, reproductive, and urinary organs and lined with the
- peritoneum membrane
- abdominal cavity = houses the stomach, pancreas, liver, gallbladder,spleen, intestines
- pelvic cavity = houses the urinary bladder, female uterus and ovaries,rectum
Abdominopelvic Quadrants
- right upper quadrant, leftupper quadrant,
- right lower quadrant, left lower quadrant
Abdominopelvic Regions
- r. hypochondriac, epigastric, l. hypochondriac,
- r. lumbar, umbilical, l. lumbar,
- r. inguinal, hypogastric, l. inguinal.
the process of maintaining asteady state; the physiological mechanism that resets body functions tomaintain a stable, steady state
Negative feedack
- changes function to reverse its direction
- Most common mechanism
ex. sweating (vasodilation) or shivering (vasoconstriction)
Positive feedback
Pushes function in same direction
ex. pregnancy